Exploring Careers and College Majors Guidebook

The Exploring Careers and College Majors Guidebook has information about career exploration and planning -

  • Holland Codes,
  • Careers,
  • Assessments,
  • Books, and
  • Internet resources
Here is the table of contents from the Exploring Careers and College Majors Guidebook -

Steps in Completing the Career Planning and Exploration Process

Step One: Preliminary Assessment

  • Types of Career Planning Resources
  • Assessments
  • Books
  • Web Sites
  • Manuals
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • Internet Career Exploration Resources
Step Two: Educational and Occupational Exploration

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Career Development Manual
  • Career Planning Process
  • JobStar: California Job Search Guide
  • O'Net - The Occupational Information Network
Step Three: Career Planning

  • Resume Writing
  • Resume Writing Web Sites
  • Preparing for an Interview
  • Interview Web Sites

This Guidebook reviews the Holland Code Career Model and other resources.


Holland Code Tool Kit


Career Interests Inventory