Holland Codes Resources Marketplace

Marketplace for Sellers, Product Developers, and Distributors

Do you have a Holland Code product that you would like to sell? List your product on Hollandcodes.com. You will receive the product cost plus 50% of the profit from the sale.

Steps to List Your Product

  1. Complete the form below.
    • Tell you about yourself and your product.
    • Tell us the wholesale and the retail costs.
    • Create a PayPal account or send us your PayPal e-mail address.
    • Create a Username. Your Username will be listed with your product.
  2. Send a sample of your assessments, books, CD-ROM, or other printed products to us at marketplace@hollandcodes.com
  3. OR

  4. Mail us a sample to -
  5. Holland Codes Resource Center
    4133 E. Siesta Lane
    Phoenix, AZ 85050

When Hollandcodes.com receives all of the necessary information, you will receive an e-mail letting you know that the Registration is complete.

Hollandcodes.com will –

  • Place Adobe Acrobat Product (download) on our download server.
  • List your product on the Marketplace, site map, and other appropriate (for example, assessment, book, CD-ROM, or download) web page.

Steps When Customer Orders a Product

  1. When a customer orders your product, we will send you and the customer an e-mail.
  2. You will receive a Paypal "Notification of Payment" e-mail.
  3. The e-mail lets you know that we have sent you the product cost plus 50% of the profit from the sale, the name of the product, and the customer’s contact information.
  4. The customer will receive an invoice and your contact information.
  5. For Adobe Acrobat Product (download), you and your customer will receive instructions on how to download the Adobe Acrobat Product (download).


  1. For assessments, books, CD-ROM, or other printed products, you are responsible for the delivery of the products. You are responsible to ship, your product within ,48 hours of the sale.
  2. If you fail to ship your products, and the customer notifies us, your product will be removed from the Marketplace.
  3. For Adobe Acrobat Product (download), within 24 hours of the purchase, HollandCodes.com will send instructions on how to download the Adobe Acrobat Product or download.

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Assessment Test Ratings and Recommendations