Kuder Career Planning System

kuder general interest survey

Kuder Test Survey

The Kuder Career Planning System has a Kuder Test Survey, an on-line Holland Code test, and career portfolio. The Kuder Career Planning System helps you answer the questions –
  • What are my interests? What do I like to do?
  • What are my abilities and skills? What am I good at? What can I learn to do?
  • What are my values? What is most important to me? What is important for my future career success and happiness, income, security, co-workers, environment, something else?
  • What careers and college majors match my skills, interests, abilities, and values?
  • What classes should I take now and in the next few years?
  • What should I do after graduation? Should I continue with school or get a job?
  • What kind of school should you attend—technical, 2-year, 4-year, other?
  • What options are available to me?

For Adults and College Students

The Kuder Career Planning System and Kuder Test Survey help you:
  • Identify skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Find a cluster of careers that match your skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Find a cluster of careers that match your skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Focus on -
    • Specific occupation descriptions
    • Job titles
    • General work activities
    • Detailed work activities
    • Specific tasks typical of the occupation
    • Working condition
    • Nature of the work
    • Important interests
    • Important abilities
    • Important skills
    • Important work values
    • Important knowledge areas
    • Trends
    • Training
    • Additional information
  • Get information on -
    • Major areas of instruction
    • Specific instructional programs
    • College and school results
    • General campus and student body information
    • Types of instructions or programs offered
    • Degree or certificate types offered or awarded
    • Graduation rate
    • Application and admission factors and costs
    • Costs and financial aid

For Teachers, Counselors, and Coaches

The Kuder Career Planning System and Kuder Test Survey help you:
  • Guide students and parents through a successful 8th grade transition
  • Prepare students for a successful post-high school transition
  • Increase completion and graduation rates
  • Provide education and career planning guidance
  • Improve student satisfaction and success

For Postsecondary Instructors and Counselors

The Kuder Career Planning System and the Kuder Test Survey:

  • Prepare students for postsecondary education
  • Highlight specific programs to students based on interests and skills
  • Improve student retention rates

For Parents and Guardians

The Kuder Career Planning System and the Kuder Test Survey help guide parents and students through a successful 8th grade transition and prepares students for a successful post-high school transition. Having an education and career plan in place can improve education and career satisfaction and success now and throughout one’s lifetime.

History of the Kuder Career Planning System

Since 1939, for the 65 years, Kuder Career Planning System has helped youth and adults discover their interests, skills, and work values. In addition youth and adults relate these characteristics to potential careers. Each year, millions of Kuder tests are completed worldwide. In addition to individual tests and statewide programs, thousands of schools, agencies, and businesses in the United States have adopted the Kuder Career Planning System and supporting curricula for use by their students and clients.

The goals of the Kuder Career Planning System and Kuder Test Survey are to:

  • Guide students and parents through successful 8th grade and post-high school transitions
  • Increase retention and graduation rates
  • Provide career planning guidance and development to last a lifetime

The Kuder Career Planning System –

  • Is scored automatically
  • Generates an easy-to-read report is within 20-30 seconds after the final page is submitted
  • Is available in either English or Spanish

The Kuder Career Planning System has three career tests. Each career test can be completed in 20 minutes or less.

Individuals can –

  • Begin an test
  • Stop the test
  • Save the results
  • Complete the test at a later time

All tests feature immediate online scoring and reporting.

The three Kuder Career Tests are –

  • Kuder Career Search with Person Match or Kuder Test Survey
  • Kuder Skills Test
  • Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised

Each test is completed in approximately 20 minutes.

Kuder general interest survey

Kuder Career Tests

There is a description of the Kuder Career Tests –

  • Kuder Career Search with Person Match is the Kuder General Interest Survey consisting of 60 questions.
  • Kuder Skills Test is a self-estimate of one’s abilities to perform work-related tasks. Kuder Skills Test consists of 90 multiple choice questions.
  • Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised identifies which work characteristics are most important to the test taker. The inventory consists of 72 multiple choice questions.

Kuder skills inventory

Results from Kuder Career Tests

From the Test Results screen, you click on the word View next to the test to see the test report.

kuder career search

  • Kuder Career Search with Person Match
    • The Kuder General Interest Survey report displays information on career clusters. There are three lists of Career Clusters – Kuder Career Clusters, Federal 16 Career Clusters, or state-specific cluster/pathway system. The ranking of the Career Clusters is matched to your interests. There are descriptions of the cluster.
    • The report also includes the unique Person Match feature which compares test results to a career profile database.
  • Kuder Skills Test
    • Results are presented in rank order of career cluster preference. The results of the Kuder Skills Test match the interests, skills, and career clusters.
  • Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised
    • The report for the work values test displays 12 work-related characteristics in rank order of preference. The inventory assesses 12 work-related values. The 12 work values are presented in rank order. There are definitions of each work value.
    All reports provide suggestions for continued career exploration. Links from the tests are used to explore occupational listings by education level within each of the clusters. Each occupation is crosswalked with and linked directly to additional information from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, O*Net and related military occupations to allow further exploration.

kuder value inventory

Combining Results from Kuder Career Tests

  • Kuder Test Survey Interests and Skills Composite Report – Once an individual completes both the interest and skills tests, a composite report compares the scores of the interests and skills tests. There are suggestions for further education and career exploration and planning. To view the composite report, click on the words Kuder Test Survey Interests and Skills Composite Report below the Kuder Test Results table.
  • One-Page Summary Report –This report contains an outline of the most recent results for tests that have been completed. Access this report by clicking on the title below the Kuder Test Results table.

Kuder composite report

Kuder Online Career Portfolio

The Kuder Online Career Portfolio provides a gateway to lifelong career planning that allows individuals to store personal and academic information; search and save educational and occupational data; build resumés; and access test progress and results 24 hours a day.

The System features include:

  • Education Planner – for planning coursework and tracking educational progress
  • Planning Timeline – for guiding education and career planning with a suggested sequence of events
  • Note Taker – for documenting the career development process
  • Occupation Search and Career Comparison – for career exploration by cluster, title, or Holland Code
  • College Major and Instructional Program Search – for learning more about a major as well as the postsecondary options within your state.
  • College Search and Comparison – for researching approximately 7,000 postsecondary colleges, universities, education training centers, and other institutions.
  • Financial Aid Information and Scholarship Search – for understanding your college financing options.
  • Resumé Builder – for creating and managing multiple resumés.
Order the Kuder Career Planning System!

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Investigative Careers