Career Tests for Special Education High School Students

For special education high school students, we would recommend tests that use pictures to identify Holland Codes and careers.

Examples of Holland Code Picture Tests ( are -

Paint Careers With Colors
PICS Career Survey

Paint Careers With Colors

kid career test

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Job Test uses self-by-step activities, career games for Kids, and kids activities for career choices to highlight Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes. On each page, you choose the careers that you like or are interested in.

kid career test

At the end of the job test for kids, you summarize your results. The Summary Sheet identifies your Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes.

kid career test

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test comes with a Colors to Careers Career Model and Colors to Careers Code or Holland Code Descriptions. The Paint Careers With Colors Child Career Test is an excellent tool to introduce you to career exploration, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The graphics hold your attention as you identify your career interests.

Colors to Careers Posters

kid career test

Over three hundred (300) Colors to Careers Posters feature graphics, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The Colors to Careers Posters are Easy Scoring. You sort the posters quickly according to likes and dislikes. At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your Holland Code and Colors to Careers Code. The posters are an excellent way to explore careers. The poster shows you’re the relationship between Holland Codes, Colors to Careers Codes, and careers.

Colors to Careers Poster Color Key

kid career test

The Colors to Careers Color Chart shows all of the information listed on the posters –

Job Titles
Career Color Codes
3 letter Holland Codes
Colors to Careers Poster Numbers

The Paint Careers With Colors Career Assessment for Kids comes with –

Paint Careers With Colors Overview
Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents
Paint Careers With Colors Career Test
Colors to Careers Poster Instruction Sheets
Colors to Careers Color Chart
Colors to Careers Posters

Paint Careers With Colors Career Tests for Kids (Value $440): BEST DEAL OF THE YEAR

Cost: $99.95/ Back to School Price $50 (Savings of $390)

The Paint Careers With Colors Job Tests for Kids comes in CD-ROM and Download Versions. When you make a Paint Careers With Colors Job Tests for Kids purchase, we will call you to provide an overview of Paint Careers With Colors Job Tests for Kids.

Cost: $50 CD-ROM & Download Versions

Picture Interest Survey

PICS Career Survey

The PICS Career Survey is a Picture Interest Test and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –

Explore their career interests
Find a job that fits

The PICS Career Survey is an excellent career test for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -

Who are In ESL/GED programs
Who have limited reading ability
Who have limited knowledge of English
Who are developmentally delayed
Who are learning disabled
Who have special needs
Who have limited access to education
Who are chronically unemployed

The PICS Interest Test -

Takes less than fifteen minutes to complete and score
Uses pictures of people at work
Is self-administered and self-scored

To finish the Career Survey (PICS), you -

Look at 36 sets of 3 pictures.
Choose which of the three portrayed occupations seems most interesting.
Total the number and kind of pictures selected.

As bonuses, with each purchase, you receive the Career Locator and Career Planning Worksheet.

The Career Locator matches Holland Code interest areas to 600 careers. Careers are placed in one of the following groups – Careers that require Short Term On-the-Job-Training, Moderate Term On-the-Job-Training, Long Term On-the-Job-Training, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional Degree, and Postsecondary Vocational Training.

On the Career Planning Worksheet, you record information about education required, projected earning, job outlook, skills, and next step.

Cost: $8

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