Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes, What's New!

Lately we have received several questions asking us about the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Code.

The Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes is the major reference book for Holland Codes and occupations.

The Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes lists Holland Codes for 12,860 Occupations.

The Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes has links to the following resources -

  • Occupational Employment Statistics and Occupational Outlook Handbook Occupations
  • Standard Occupational Classification
  • Census Occupational Classification
  • Classification of Instructional Programs
  • Guide for Occupational Exploration

The Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes provides in depth information on Holland Career Model and Holland Codes resources.

We did a comparison of the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes and the Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook
The resources have the following information -
Overview of Holland Codes Yes Yes
Overview of Dictionary of Occupational Titles Yes Yes
Overview of Occupational Outlook Handbook Codes Yes Yes
Overview of GOE Interest Subgroups Yes Yes
Holland Codes and Dictionary of Occupational Titles Codes Table Job Titles
Holland Codes and Occupational Outlook Handbook Codes Table Job titles, descriptions, and codes
Holland Codes and GOE Interest Subgroups Table GOE Interest Subgroups
Nature of the Work NA Description
Working conditions NA Description
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement NA Description
Job Outlook NA Description
Earnings NA Description
Related Occupations NA Description
Sources of Additional Information NA Description
Holland Codes and SOC Codes Table NA
Holland Codes and Census Occupational Codes Table NA
Holland Codes and CIP Codes Table NA

Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook

Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook

The Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook is:

  • Must-read resource for counselors and teachers
  • An essential reference book that is a requirement for any career advisement, counseling, or counseling program, library, or resource room

The Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook is the best reference guide available that lists information about:

  • Career Clusters/ GOE Interest Groups
  • Holland Codes
  • ONET Codes
  • Job descriptions

The Handbook has more than 6,500 job descriptions — more than in any other career research book:

  • All job descriptions from the Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • Plus thousands more from the ONet and Dictionary of Occupational Titles

The Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook combines information from three most authoritative occupational data sources:

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • O*NET database
  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles

How to use the Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook

The major tools to using the Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook are:

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Appendix
  • Indexes

The Table of Contents lists the following interest clusters or job groupings:

  • Management, Business, and Financial Operations Occupations
  • Professional and Related Occupations
  • Service Occupations
  • Sales and Related Occupations
  • Office and Administrative Support Occupations
  • Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
  • Construction, Trades, and Related Workers
  • Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
  • Production Occupations
  • Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
  • Job Opportunities in the Armed Forces

The Introduction section provides information of the following topics:

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook and Job Descriptions
  • O*NET and Job Descriptions
  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles and Job Descriptions
  • 16 GOE Interest Areas
  • Holland Personality Types
  • OOH Job Descriptions

From the Occupational Outlook Handbook and Job Descriptions, you receive the listing of the following topics:

  • Job Title and ONET Job Numbers
  • Significant Points
  • Nature of the Work
  • Working Conditions
  • Employment
  • Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
  • Job Outlook
  • Earning
  • Related Occupations
  • Sources of Additional Information

The Appendix has information about Tomorrow’s Jobs discussing changes in:

  • Population
  • Labor Force
  • Employment
  • Industry
  • Occupation
  • Education
  • Total Openings

The Handbook are two (2) Indexes:

  • Alphabetized Index of Major Job Titles from Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • Alphabetized Index of ONET and DOT Job Titles

Read more about the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Code.


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