Career Kid Sites

For Students, Teachers, Counselors, and Parents

Use career kid sites when your elementary school and middle school students have completed any of the following career tests -

Here are the different types of career sites for kids –

  • Curriculum
  • Career Information
  • Career Groups – Science
  • Specific Careers — Science

Unlock Treasure Chest The full version of the career kid sites is in the Children Unlock Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration.



career cruiser The CAREER CRUISER is a career kid site/ guidebook for middle school students. The CAREER CRUISER has self — assessment activities to match personal interests to careers. The CAREER CRUISER has information on HOLLAND CODES. Careers are grouped into 16 career clusters. The CAREER CRUISER has information on occupational descriptions, average earnings, and minimum educational level required for the job.

A Teacher’s Guide is also available.

RESOURCE TWO: Elementary Core Career Connection

career connection The Core Career Connections is a career kid collection of instructional activities, K — 6 and 7 — 8, designed by teachers, counselors, and parents. Each grade level has instructional activities that align directly with state department of education requirements. This instructional resource provides a framework for teachers, counselors, and parents to integrate career awareness with the elementary and middle level grade students.



career ship Career Shipis a free online career teen exploration tool for middle and high school students.

Career Ship uses HOLLAND CODES and the O*NET Career Exploration Tools.

For each career, Career Ship provides the following information:

  • Tasks
  • Wages
  • Career outlook
  • Interests
  • Education
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Similar careers

Career Ship is a product a public—service web site providing career, college, financial aid, and financial literacy information and services.

RESOURCE SIX: Destination 2020

destination 2020 Destination 2020 helps youth discover how everyday tasks can help them build skills they will need to face the many challenges of the workforce.

Skills are linked to –

  • School Subjects
  • Other School Activities
  • Play Activities At Home
  • Work at Home

Through career teen quizzes, activities and articles, students find some answers or, at least, a direction about their future. There are more than 200 profiles of real people who are describing what a day at work is like for them.


RESOURCE EIGHT: EEK! Get a Job – Environmental Education for Kids

Eek! Get a Job Eek! Get a Job – Environmental Education for Kids is a career kid site/ electronic magazine for children in grades 4 — 8. Eek! Get a Job provides information about –

  • Forestry
  • Hydrogeologist
  • Engineering
  • Herpetologist
  • Park Ranger
  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Park Naturalist

There is a job description for each career, a list of job activities, suggested activities to begin exploring careers, and needed job skills.

RESOURCE ELEVEN: San Diego Zoo Job Profiles for Kids

San Diego Zoo is a career kid website that has job profiles. Job Profiles discussed jobs for people who –

  • Work with animals
  • Work with plants
  • Work with science and conservation
  • Work with people
  • Work that helps run the Zoo and Park

There are activities listed under each area, for example –

  • What we do
  • What’s cool about this job
  • Job challenges
  • How this job helps animals
  • How to get a job like this
  • Practice Being a …
  • How to Become a …

SPECIFIC Career Kid Websites — SCIENCE

RESOURCE FOURTEEN: About Veterinarians

Veterinarian About Veterinarians is a website that has career kid facts about –

  • What is a Veterinarian?
  • Veterinary Education
  • Roles of Veterinarians
  • Employment Outlook
  • Becoming a Veterinary Technician

RESOURCE SIXTEEN: Engineering – The Stealth Profession

Engineering Engineering – The Stealth Profession has a lot of career kid information about engineers –

  • Types of Engineers
  • True Stories
  • Salaries
  • Education Required
  • Work Schedules
  • Equipment Used

RESOURCE EIGHTEEN: Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist?

Volcanologist Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist? provides career kid descriptions of the –

  • Word ″Volcanologist″
  • Daily work
  • Traits for success
  • Education
  • Salaries
Read about the Children Unlock Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration.
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