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Your FREE test identifies your career interests and then tells you what jobs are out there for you. Uncover the tasks, experience, education and training needed for your next career move. It's an essential tool to make tough career decisions and find careers you might not otherwise explore.

Quickly focus your efforts

The test report was built to be presented on the Web. It displays both a graphical and text based interpretation of your results and enables you to access a wealth of career information. There are 36,729 possible careers in North America and 284 academic majors. You need a test to narrow your search.

Get career advice from a source you can trust

The test was developed by a psychologist, who has published over 200 research articles and is the Former President of the American Psychological Association's Division of Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics. Over 1 million people have successfully taken the test to plan their future.

FREE test is managed by career experts with over 40 years of combined experience. We are founding members of the Association of Test Publishers and members of the Better Business Bureau online reliability program.

Now available to the public

Until now, quality career tests have not been widely available to the general public. The Web allows us to provide a tool that was previously only available through certified career counselors.

Takes only minutes to complete, and your results are saved for future reference.

The test, respected by career counselors world-wide, takes only 25 minutes to complete. Plus, we save and password protect your results to assist your decision-making process.

Help prevent costly career mistakes

Working in an unsatisfying career can dramatically reduce happiness, productivity, self-confidence and self worth. Pursuing unclear career objectives or stagnating in dead-end situations costs you money.

Be happy

Test measures career interests, which research has shown are related to career satisfaction and happiness.

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