10 Best College Majors for Your Personality


10 Best College Majors for Your Personality is a reference book for career experts, counselors, advisors, and coaches. A guidebook for teachers, parents, and students.

The book is a complete package – assessment, college majors, and careers.

In the Introduction, read –

  • Why Personality Is Useful for Choosing a Major
  • Factors to Consider When You Choose a Major
  • Overview of the RIASEC Personality Types

Next, complete the What’s Your Personality Type to discover your Holland Code: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

College Major descriptions review the following valuable detailed information –

  • College major title
  • Personality types/ CIP Codes
  • Major concentrations
  • Typical high school/ college courses
  • Career overview
  • Job earnings & growth
  • English/ Math skill level requirements
  • Related jobs

Extensive lists show the interrelationship between Holland Codes and college majors –

  • 10 best majors overall for each personality type

  • 5 majors with the best income potential, job-growth, and job-opening potential
  • Best majors for part-time or self-employed workers
  • Best majors according to different levels of education
  • Best majors according to verbal and math skill levels

There are other helpful details.

This 10 Best College Majors book is a MUST-READ!


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