Paint Careers With Colors Test & Posters

Paint Careers With Colors Career Test

The Paint Careers With Colors Career Test uses self-by-step activities, career games for kids, and kids' activities to highlight Holland Codes or Paint Careers With Colors Codes.

On each page, you choose the careers that you like or are interested in.

At the end of the career test for kids, you summarize your results.

The Summary Sheet identifies your Holland Codes or Paint Careers With Colors Codes.

The Paint Careers With Colors Career Test comes with a Paint Careers With Colors Career Model and Paint Careers With Colors Code or Holland Code Descriptions.

The Paint Careers With Colors Career Test is an excellent tool to introduce children to -
  • Career exploration
  • Holland Codes
  • Paint Careers With Colors Codes

The graphics hold the child's attention as they identify their career interests.

Paint Careers With Colors Posters

Over three hundred (300) Paint Careers With Colors Posters feature -

Holland Codes
Paint Careers With Colors Codes

The Paint Careers With Colors Posters are easy scoring.

You sort the posters quickly according to likes and dislikes.

At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your Holland Code and Paint Careers With Colors Code.

The posters are an excellent way to explore careers.

The poster shows you're the relationship between Holland Codes, Paint Careers With Colors Codes, and careers.

Paint Careers With Colors Poster Color Key

The Paint Careers With Colors Color Chart shows all of the information listed on the posters:

Job Titles
Paint Careers With Color Codes
3 letter Holland Codes
Paint Careers With Colors Poster Numbers

The Foundational CD ROM holds all of the key ingredients to begin using the Paint Careers With Colors System.

Paint Careers With Colors Used in Mainland China


New Paint Careers With Colors Collection