My Career Profile - Bulk Price Sale

The MCP Guidance System is a Holland career self assessment test that provides information on interests, values, skills, personalities, Holland Codes, 1200+ occupations, and 6000 schools.

Overview of MCP Guidance System

Discover your -

  • Interests
  • Values
  • Skills
  • Personality

Get information on -

  • Holland Codes
  • 1200+ Occupations
  • 6000+ Schools

The My Career Profile Guidance System is -

  • Low cost
  • Easy to use
  • Tested, proven, and dependable
  • Excellent resources

The MCP Guidance System has the following resources:

  • Self-Analysis (Exploration) System
  • Career Exploration Resources
  • Career Search Tools
  • Portfolio Creator Tools
  • College Search Database

Self-Analysis System

interest inventory

1. My Interests Inventory

The My Interests Inventory generates a 3-letter Holland Codes and provides Interest Level Scores for the six (6) Holland Personality Types.

The Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Holland Personality Types.

The Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories generate Occupational Lists. You can access, review, and redo the Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories.

research careers

Research Career Tool

Research a career. The Research Career Tool creates Occupational Lists from a database of 1200+ occupations. The Occupational List has options to sort occupations. Each Occupational List provides information on -

  • Overview
  • Job duties
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earnings
  • Advancement
  • Working Conditions
  • Interest (Holland Codes) Scores
  • Areas of Study
  • Training or Educational Levels
  • School Search Tools

The Research a Career Tool allows you to research careers by name or Industry Group. The Industry Groups are -

  • Architecture & Engineering
  • Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
  • Building and Ground Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Business and Financial Operations
  • Community and Social Services
  • Computer, Information Technology and Mathematics
  • Construction and Extraction
  • Education, Training and Library
  • Farming, Fishing, and Forestry
  • Food Preparation and Serving
  • Healthcare Practitioners and Technology
  • Healthcare Support
  • Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Legal
  • Life, Physical, and Social Science
  • Management
  • Military
  • Office and Administrative Support
  • Personal Care and Service
  • Production
  • Protective Service
  • Sales and Related
  • Transportation and Materials Moving

college search

School Tool

The School Tool obtains school from a database of 6000+ post-secondary institutions. The School Tool searches for schools according to the following criteria -

  • Major Areas of Study
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School
  • Location of School
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost

college search2

1. Location of School

Do you want to go to college in a large city, large town, or rural area? Find a college that matches your criteria!

The Location of School Tool searches for schools based upon -

  • Locale or Degree of Urbanization
  • Region
  • My Skills Inventory
  • My Personality Inventory

The Locale or Degree of Urbanization categories are -

  • Large city
  • Mid-size city
  • Large town
  • Small town
  • Rural

The Regional component narrows the school options according to the following geographic regions:

  • New England
  • Mid East
  • Great Lakes
  • Plains
  • South East
  • South West
  • Rocky Mountain
  • West Coast
  • Outside US

The States section allows you to select a college from a specific state.

2. Enrollment and Cost

How much do you want to pay for tuition?

What is your preference for the number of students enrolled at the college?

The Enrollment and Costs sections outline detailed school information that matches your criteria!

school web site

3. Type of School

Do you want to attend a -

  • Certificate Program
  • Community College
  • Four-Year College/ University
  • Public School
  • Private School
  • School with a Religious Affiliation

Find the school that meets your needs. The Type of School section selects schools that match the factors that you select.

4. Major Areas of Study

Are you looking for a school that offers a specific college major? The Major Areas of Study section focuses on schools from the following areas -

  • Agriculture
  • Architecture
  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Business, Management, and Marketing
  • Communication and Journalism
  • Communication Technology
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Construction Trades
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Engineering Technologies
  • English Language and Literature
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Foreign Languages
  • Health and Clinical Sciences
  • History
  • Legal Professions
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Library Science
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Mechanics and Repair
  • Military Technologies
  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Natural Resources and Conservation
  • Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies
  • Personal and Culinary Services
  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Physical Sciences
  • Precision Production
  • Psychology
  • Public Administration and Social Service
  • Science Technologies
  • Security and Protective Services
  • Social Services
  • Theology and Religion
  • Transportation and Materials Moving
  • Visual and Performing Arts

The Schools can be saved to create a Custom School List.

All lists can be printed and saved for future reference.

value inventory

2. My Values Inventory

Find out the things that are important to you, for example -

  • Helping Society
  • Artistic Creativity
  • Helping Others
  • Independence
  • Prestige
  • Risk Taking
  • Stability
  • Working Outdoors

The My Values Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Values.

The My Values Inventory matches occupations to your Values and generates Occupational Lists.

skills inventory

3. My Skills Inventory

Know the things that you are good at, for example -

  • Communication Skills
  • People Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Creative and Artistic Skills
  • Scientific Skills

The My Skills Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Skills.

The My Skills Inventory matches occupations to your Skills and generates Occupational Lists.

personality inventory

4. My Personality Inventory

Discover your Personality. My Personality Inventory assesses your personality, matches occupations to your Personality, and generates Occupational Lists.

Career Exploration Tools

Explore careers and the matching -

  • Overview
  • Job duties
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earnings
  • Advancement
  • Working Conditions
  • Interest (Holland Codes) Scores
  • Areas of Study
  • Training or Educational Levels
  • School Search Tools

In the My Career Profile Guidance System, the Career Exploration Tools include the Research a Career and Combining Your Assessments Tools.

The bulk costs for the My Career Profile Guidance System are -

  • 10 Profiles - $500 ($50/Profile)
  • 20 Profiles - $900 ($45/Profile)
  • 30 Profiles - $1200 ($40/Profile)

To order the My Career Profile Guidance System, click on the link.


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