Social Studies Teachers Get the Best of Both Worlds

Linking Social Studies Curriculum and Elementary School Career Education

Teachers and curriculum developers recognize the similarities between Social Studies and elementary school career education standards. As a result, some teachers and curriculum developers use both Social Studies standards and career awareness methods to design elementary school Civics, Geography, and Economics curriculum.

Social Studies Standards

The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) developed the Social Studies standards. In the Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: I. Introduction Report (2009), the NCSS stated -

The social studies standards address the overall curriculum design and the comprehensive student performance expectations of a program of excellence, while the individual sets of discipline standards provide enhanced content detail to ensure quality instructional programs.

Teachers and curriculum designers are encouraged first to establish their program frameworks using the social studies standards as a guide, then to use the individual sets of standards from history, geography, civics, economics, or other disciplines to guide the development of strands and courses within their programs…

From the National Council for the Social Studies web site

Examples of the Social Studies Standards

Different departments of education show the relationships between Social Science and elementary school career education standards.

Departments of education provide frameworks based on -

- Strands/ Standards

- Concepts

- Performance objectives/ Accomplishments

Examples of Social Studies Standards are from the following departments of education -

- Arizona Department of Education

- Pennsylvania Department of Education

- Tennessee Department of Education

1. Arizona Department of Education (For Kindergarten) has the following links between elementary school Civics, Geography, and Economics standards and career awareness methods -

Strand 3: Civics/ Government

Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship

Performance Objective (PO) 4: Identify people who help keep communities and citizens safe (e.g., police, firefighters, nurses, doctors)

Strand 4: Geography

Concept 4: Human Systems

Performance Objective (PO) 3: Describe how people earn a living in the community and the places they work

Strand 5: Civics/ Government

Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship

Performance Objective (PO) 4: Identify people who help keep communities and citizens safe (e.g., police, firefighters, nurses, doctors)

From Arizona Department of Education web site

2. Pennsylvania Department of Education (For Kindergarten) outlines the relationship between elementary school Civics, Geography, Economics and career education standards -

Standards Description

6.5.3.A Explain why people work to get goods and services.

6.5.3.B Identify different occupations.

From Pennsylvania Department of Education web site

3. Tennessee Department of Education (For Kindergarten) describes the accomplishments that focus on elementary school Civics, Geography, Economics and career education standards -


Content Standard: 2.0

Globalization of the economy, the explosion of population growth, technological changes and international competition compel students to understand, both personally and globally, the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will examine and analyze economic concepts such as basic needs versus wants, using versus/saving money, and policy making versus decision making.


K.2.02 Give examples of the interaction of businesses and governments in a market economy.

a. Recognize how jobs are similar and different from one community to another.

b. Identify jobs in the home, and school.

K.2.03 Understand fundamental economic concepts.

a. Explain why people have jobs.

b. Distinguish between needs and wants.

c. Recognize that all jobs are significant and realize that some jobs are interdependent.

From Tennessee Department of Education web site

In addition to the Social Science Standards, National Career Development Guidelines provide key information that links Social Studies curriculum and elementary school career education.

Elementary School Career Education Standards

Like the Social Studies Standards, the elementary school career education standards help teachers and curriculum designers create and deliver career awareness, career development, and career research programs and services for children, youth, and adults.

The leading source of career awareness and career exploration methodologies are the National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) mastery indicators.

Mastery indicators measure three domains:

- Personal Social Development (PS)

- Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning (ED)

- Career Management (CM)

Mastery indicators occur in three different learning stages:

- Knowledge acquisition (K)

- Application (A)

- Reflection (R)

Under each goal, indicators of mastery highlight the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the goal. The stages describe learning competency.

Examples of National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG 2004) that correlate with Social Studies Standards are -


PS1.K3 Identify your positive personal characteristics (e.g., honesty, dependability, responsibility, integrity, and loyalty).

PS2.K1 Identify effective communication skills.

PS2.K9 Recognize that you should have knowledge about, respect for, be open to, and appreciate all kinds of human diversity.

PS2.A1 Demonstrate effective communication skills.

PS2.A2 Demonstrate that you interact with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful, and respectful.

PS2.A3 Demonstrate the ability to use positive social skills (e.g., good manners and showing gratitude).

PS2.A4 Demonstrate the ability to get along well with others and work effectively with them in groups.

PS2.A9 Demonstrate knowledge about, respect for, openness to, and appreciation for all kinds of human diversity.

PS2.A1 Demonstrate effective communication skills.

PS2.A2 Demonstrate that you interact with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful, and respectful.


PS2 K8 Recognize that you should accept responsibility for your behavior.

CM2.K5 Recognize that your personal priorities, culture, beliefs, and work values can affect your decision-making.

CM2.K6 Describe how education, work, and family experiences might impact your decisions.

Taken from the National Career Development Guidelines web site


Teachers and curriculum developers observe that Social Studies and elementary school career education standards share the same themes and are useful in developing elementary school Civics, Geography, and Economics activities, lesson plans, tool kits, projects, and games. The standards encourage the integration of Social Studies, career awareness, and career exploration concepts. The Social Studies Standards and National Career Development Guidelines are fundamental systems for Social Studies curriculum design.

Paint Careers With Colors links Social Studies curriculum and elementary school career education methods.


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