Kuder Resume Builder

The Kuder Resume Builder is one of the Kuder Job Search Tools.

The Kuder Job Search Tools provides information on resumes, cover letters, of reference list, and custom-made e-Portfolio.

The Resume Builder provides you with a template to enter the following information –
  • Education
  • Work experience
  • Interests
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Travel
  • Foreign language ability
  • Military service
  • Memberships
  • Community service
  • Skills
The Resume Builder has the following sections –
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Activities/Affiliations
  • Awards/Honors
  • Skills
  • References
The Resume Builder has the following fields:
  • Résumé Title -
  • Objective
  • Status – Private or Public
  • Résumé FormatChronological or Functional
  • Résumé Stylebasic, contemporary, elegant, and professional styles
You can send a link to your résumé via e-mail to prospective employers or others wishing to view the résumé.

The Kuder Resume Builder removes the guesswork!! 

The Kuder Resume Builder is Easy to use!!

Read more about the Kuder Resume Builder

African American Career Test


Kuder Online Portfolios