Chinese Kid Career Test



The Chinese Career Test is VISUAL learning techniques and career test for kids that use colors to represent Holland Codes and Paint Careers With Colors Codes.
The Career Test clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
The Chinese Career Test organizes and analyzes information. Children, youth, and adults -
  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
The Kid Test also improves –
  • Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience’s attention and helps people absorb information
  • Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
  • Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests.
Use the Chinese Career Test at -
  • Schools
  • Boys and Girls Clubs
  • YMCA/ YWCA Programs
  • Afterschool Programs
  • Kids Go To Work Days
  • Career Days
  • Summer School Programs
The Chinese Career Test is for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -
  • Who are In ESL/GED programs
  • Who have limited reading ability
  • Who have limited knowledge of English
The Test has the following items -

Chinese Career Test Model

Careers With Colors Model
There are two versions – the RIASEC Version and the Children’s Version.
The RIASEC Version is for Middle School students. For Middle School students, the RIASEC Version should be used with the Self-Directed Search Career Explorer.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Elisabeth Montgomery, Ph.D. – InterLangua, LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China) and Sun Wei Hong – Quality Director, InterLangua LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China) for their support and efforts in the development of the Paint Careers With Colors Chinese Version


We used all three of your wonderful career training materials Paint with Colors, Picture Inventory Codes, and Holland’s Self Directed Search for children in K-12 settings in mainland China and met with tremendous success! Our company InterLangua was asked to establish Career Guidance with the YuCai Group Education Consortium (Shenzhen). Prior to this, Chinese families in the school would get together and decide what would interest their child. There was little formal exploration and matching of interests and abilities, rather, a seemingly rote list of jobs and titles that were typical and practical. From Elisabeth Montgomery, Ph.D. – InterLangua, LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China)

Great materials for training in life skills! The easy to use, visual, job posters, games, and career tests provide a wealth of ideas and discussions for us as career facilitators, and for teachers and parents. We now have a common vocabulary with which to steer children into worlds of discovery despite language and cultural barriers to career exploration. After our training, not only were youngsters able to identify jobs they wanted to do in the future, but middle school kids explored their current interests on deeper levels and talked to their parents about new jobs in emerging fields.
From Sun Wei Hong – Quality Director, InterLangua LLC (Shenzhen, P.R. China)

One of our Chinese students, applying for top 10 colleges in the USA wrote, “Another thing I really liked about the Holland Code test was how it offered a description of what kind of personalities and characteristics were suitable for different jobs. It helped me find my match more easily and led me to think more about what kind of person I really was and whether my ideal job was really a good match for my personality traits.”
From: Wei Xiou Yang – senior student at Shenzhen Foreign Language School.
Using your Holland SDS materials at InterLangua’s Trainings, college youth found more clarity in planning their college goals. One graduate student in finance wrote:“This is extremely useful for those who are planning their career, looking for jobs or thinking about changing jobs. Holland codes SDS helps them identify their potential domain and help them to achieve their goals more quickly therefore happily! It really serves as a compass which guides people to the direction of success.”
From Cao Xiao Zhou “Ben” – graduate student, Paris High-Technology Poly-technic.

Chinese Career Test

The Chinese Job Test uses self-by-step activities, career games for Kids, and kids activities for career choices to highlight Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes. On each page, you choose the careers that you like or are interested in. The job titles are in English and Chinese.
Career Test - Chinese

At the end of the job test for kids, you summarize your results. The Summary Sheet identifies your Holland Codes or Colors to Careers Codes.

The Chinese Career Test comes with a Colors to Careers Career Model and Colors to Careers Code or Holland Code Descriptions. The Test is an excellent tool to introduce you to career exploration, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The graphics hold your attention as you identify your career interests.
Career Test comes with -
  • Children Test
  • Children Test Guide
  • Photo Test
  • Photo Test Guide
  • RIASEC Test
  • RIASEC Test Guide

Colors to Careers Posters

Career Posters - Chinese
Over three hundred (300) Colors to Careers Posters feature graphics, Holland Codes, and Colors to Careers Codes. The Colors to Careers Posters are Easy Scoring. The job titles are in English and Chinese. You sort the posters quickly according to likes and dislikes. At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your Holland Code and Colors to Careers Code. The posters are an excellent way to explore careers. The poster shows you’re the relationship between Holland Codes, Color-to Careers Codes, and careers.
Career Posters comes with -
  • Children Version
  • Leaders Version
  • RIASEC Version
  • Photo Posters
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Photo Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – RIASEC Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Children Version

Colors to Careers Poster Color Key

Color Key - Chinese

The Colors to Careers Color Chart shows all of the information listed on the posters –
  • Job Titles in English and Chinese.
  • Career Color Codes
  • 3 letter Holland Codes
  • Colors to Careers Poster Numbers
Color Key has the following sections -
  • Color Key-RIASEC Version
  • Color Key-RIASEC Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Children Version
  • Color Key-Children2-Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Photo Version
  • Color Key-Photo-Alphabetized Version

Chinese Career Test CD ROM Collection

There are four (4) Chinese Career Test CD Collection.
  • Foundational CD-ROM
  • Bonus CD-ROM Number 1 – Training Resources
  • Bonus CD-ROM Number 2 – Promotional Starter Kit Materials
  • Bonus CD-ROM Number 3 – Holland Codes Toolkit
Here is a detailed outline of the Chinese Career Test CD Collection.
Foundational CD-ROM
1. Career Test – Children & RIASEC – Revising
  • Children Test
  • Children Test Guide
  • Photo Test
  • Photo Test Guide
  • RIASEC Test
  • RIASEC Test Guide
2. Color Key
  • Color Key -RIASEC Version
  • Color Key –RIASEC Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Children Version
  • Color Key-Children2-Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Photo . Version
  • Color Key-Photo-Alphabetized Version
3. Posters
  • Children Version
  • Leaders Version
  • RIASEC Version
  • Photo Posters
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Photo Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – RIASEC Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009-children Version
4. Introduction
  • Overview
  • RIASEC VS Children Table
  • Fact Sheets
  • Paint Careers With Colors Wheel – Children
  • Paint Careers With Colors Wheel – RIASEC
  • RIASEC & Children Model Table
Bonus CD-ROM Number 1 – Training Resources
1. Career Resource Guide
2. Curriculum 2009
3. Unlock Your Treasure – Children
4. Training Manual
5. Mini-Posters – Children’s Version

  • Mini Posters Labels
  • Mini Posters Instructions
  • Mini Posters Scoring Sheet
6. Career and Holland Game
Bonus CD-ROM Number 2 – Promotional Starter Kit Materials
1. Brochure
2. Labels – Children Codes
3. Labels – RIASEC Codes
4. Flyer – Adults
5. Flyer – Children
6. Name Tags
7. News Release
8. Poster
9. Tent Cards

Bonus CD-ROM Number 3 – Holland Codes Toolkit CD-ROM
1. Flash Cards

  • Flash Cards – Adults Version
  • Flash Cards – Children Version
2. Bingo Cards

  • Bingo Card Set – Children Version

  • Bingo Master – Children Version

  • Bingo Master Cutouts – Children Version

  • Bingo Instruction Sheet – Children Version

  • Bingo Card Set – RIASEC Version

  • Bingo Master – RIASEC Version

  • Bingo Master Cutouts – RIASEC Version

  • Bingo Instruction Sheet – RIASEC Version

  • Resources for Schools

    After purchasing a Single User Copy of the Chinese Career Test, qualify to make copies for the other teachers and students at your school by participating in the Chinese Career Test School Research Program.

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