Faith Based Career Curriculum

The faith based career planning curriculum covers the following areas -
  • Holland codes
  • Interests, Abilities, and skills
  • Careers
  • College Majors
  • Job Search Resources
Use the career planning curriculum at -
  • Private Schools
  • Youth Groups
  • Homeschool Groups
  • Work Force Programs
  • Church Afterschool Programs
  • Bible Studies
  • Retreats
  • Bible Schools
Here is the table of contents from the faith based career planning curriculum -
  • Three Steps Within the Career Planning and Exploration Process
  • Biblical Principles
  • Step One: Awareness, Knowledge, and Assessment
    • Types of Career Planning Resources
    • Examples of Holland Codes Resources
    • Holland Career Personalities
    • Four Personal Styles
    • Biblical Examples for Holland Personality Types
    • Holland Code Assessments
    • Holland Codes Resource Book
    • Activity Sheet for “Holland” Career Assessment
  • Biblical Principles
  • Step Two: Educational and Occupational Exploration
    • Internet Career Exploration Resources
    • Career Book Resources
  • Biblical Principles
  • Step Three: Career Planning
    • Holland Codes and College Majors
    • Resume Writing
    • Resume Writing Web Sites
    • Biblical Principles
    • Preparing for an Interview
Use the curriculum to provide career advice for youth and adults. Career planning also involves finding the right career resource. Use career job test to uncover -
  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Talents
Use career search sites, career development software, and career planning books to provide -
  • College major information
  • Career job opportunities
  • Career education requirements
  • Career clusters information
  • Transferable skills sets
As you search for college major information, ask yourself the following questions:
  • What are my vocational interests, abilities, skills, and talents?
  • What are the steps that are necessary to develop the interests, abilities, skills, and talents that I possess?
  • What are the career goal setting steps that I need to do?
  • What career tests are available?
  • What college major information is available?
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