Career Resources for Transfer Students

We have two all-in-one career exploration guidance programs for transfer students -
  • Kuder Career Guidance System
  • My Career Profile

Kuder Test Survey

As transfer students, the Kuder Journey helps you:
  • Identify skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Find a cluster of careers that match your skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Prepare for post-secondary education
  • Highlight specific programs based on interests and skills
  • Focus on -
    • Specific career job descriptions
    • Job titles
    • General and detailed work activities
    • Specific tasks typical of the occupation
    • Working condition
    • Nature of the work
    • Important interests, abilities, skills, work values, and knowledge areas
    • Trends
    • Training
  • Get information on -
    • Major areas of instruction
    • Specific instructional programs
    • College and school results
    • General transfer students campus and student body information
    • Types of instructions or programs offered
    • Degree or certificate types offered or awarded
    • Graduation rate
    • Transfer student application and admission factors and costs
    • Transfer student costs and financial aid
  • Search for jobs
  • Create resume
  • Build a portfolio or e-portfolio
For transfer students, Kuder Journey has the following items -
  • 3 job career tests
  • College by major information
  • Career job finder
  • Career job descriptions
  • Career portfolio
  • Resume tutorial

Kuder Assessment

Kuder Test Survey Career Tests

The Kuder Test Survey has three career tests for transfer students -
  • Career Search with Person Match
  • Skills Test
  • Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised

Kuder Career Search with Person Match

Kuder Career Search with Person Match

The Kuder Career Search with Person Match is the Kuder General Interest Survey consisting of 60 questions.
The Kuder General Interest Survey report displays information on career cluster descriptions, and career profile database designed for transfer students.

Kuder skills inventory

Kuder Skills Test

The Kuder Skills Test is a self-estimate of one’s abilities to perform work-related tasks. Kuder Skills Test consists of 90 multiple choice questions.
The results of the Kuder Skills Test match the interests, skills, and career clusters.

Super’s Work Values Inventory

Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised

The Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised identifies which work characteristics are most important to the transfer student test taker. The inventory consists of 72 multiple choice questions.
Super’s Work Values Inventory-Revised Report displays 12 work-related characteristics.

Kuder Composite Scores

Career Test Reports

All reports provide transfer students with suggestions for continued career exploration. Links from the tests are used to explore occupational listings by education level within each of the clusters.

Combining Results from Kuder Career Tests

  • Kuder Test Survey Interests and Skills Composite Report – Once an individual completes both the interest and skills tests, a composite report compares the scores of the interests and skills tests. There are suggestions for further education and career exploration and planning. To view the composite report, click on the words Kuder Test Survey Interests and Skills Composite Report below the Kuder Test Results table.
  • One-Page Summary Report – This report contains an outline of the most recent results for tests that have been completed. Access this report by clicking on the title below the Kuder Test Results table.

Kuder Online Portfolios

The Kuder Online Career Portfolio provides a gateway to lifelong career planning that allows individuals to store personal and academic information; search and save educational and occupational data; build resumés; and access results 24 hours a day.
The System features include:
  • Education Planner – for planning coursework and tracking educational progress
  • Planning Timeline – for guiding education and career planning
  • Note Taker – for documenting the career development process
  • Occupation Search and Career Comparison – for career exploration by cluster, title, or Holland Code
  • College Major and Instructional Program Search – for learning more about a major as well as the postsecondary options within your state.
  • College Search and Comparison – for researching approximately 7,000 post-secondary colleges, universities, education training centers, and other institutions.
  • Financial Aid Information and Scholarship Search – for understanding your college financing options.
  • Resumé Builder – for creating and managing multiple resumés.

My Career Profile - A Holland Career Self Assessment Test

Product Overview
The My Career Profile (MCP) has 4 career tests, a career database, and an educational program database specially designed to transfer students.
The 4 career tests assess interests, values, skills, and personality styles. Benefits of the MCP tests are that the MCP tests are reusable. You can redo the tests as many times as you like. With most other tests, it is usually one-time use only.
The MCP helps you develop a list of potential careers. The MCP test results are matched to a list of careers. The My Career Profile lists careers that match the interests, values, skills, and personality. Some other tests provide limited lists, but the My Career Profile provides an extensive career list from a database of 1200+ occupations. From this database, you will find your dream job.
After selecting your career, it is important that you find the right educational program. You can get a career by attending a certificate, 2 year, and 4 year educational programs. In the MCP educational program database, you can find careers that require the completion of a certificate, 2 year, and four year educational programs.
If you are looking for careers in a specific geographic area, the MCP allow you the option to search by region or state.
Finally, since the cost of education is a factor, the MCP educational program database search education programs according to college or other training program costs.

MCP Main Menu

The My Career Profile Guidance System comes with a -
  • My Interests Inventory
  • My Values
  • My Skills Inventory
  • My Personality Inventory

Self-Analysis System

MCP Interest Inventory

1. My Interests Inventory
The My Interests Inventory generates a 3-letter Holland Codes and provides Interest Level Scores for the six (6) Holland Personality Types.
The Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Holland Personality Types.
The Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories generate Occupational Lists.
You can access, review, and redo the Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories.

Job search

Research a Career Tool
Use the Research a Career database to find information on 1200+ occupations. Each Occupational List provides information on -
  • Overview
  • Job
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earnings
  • Advancement
  • Working Conditions
  • Interest (Holland Codes) Scores
  • Areas of Study
  • Training or Educational Levels
  • School Search Tools
The Research a Career Tool allows you to research careers by name or Industry Group. The Industry Groups are -
  • Architecture &
  • Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
  • Building and Ground Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Business and Financial Operations
  • Community and Social Services
  • Computer, Information Technology and Mathematics
  • Construction and Extraction
  • Education, Training and Library
  • Farming, Fishing, and Forestry
  • Food Preparation and Serving
  • Healthcare Practitioners and Technology
  • Healthcare Support
  • Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Legal
  • Life, Physical, and Social Science
  • Management
  • Veterans/ Military
  • Office and Administrative Support
  • Personal Care and
  • Production
  • Protective Service
  • Sales and Related
  • Transportation and Materials

college search

School Tool
The Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories generate School Lists. The School Tool obtains school from a database of 6000+ post-secondary institutions. The School Tool searches for schools according to the following criteria -
  • Name of School
  • Location of School
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Major Areas of Study
All career and school lists can be printed and saved for future reference.

values inventory

2. My Values Inventory
Find out the things that are important to you, for example -
  • Helping Society
  • Artistic Creativity
  • Helping Others
  • Independence
  • Prestige
  • Risk Taking
  • Stability
  • Working Outdoors
The My Values Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Values.
The My Values Inventory matches occupations to your Values and generates Occupational Lists.

skills inventory

3. My Skills Inventory
Know the things that you are good at, for example -
  • Communication Skills
  • People Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Creative and Artistic Skills
  • Scientific Skills
The My Skills Inventory provides a detailed description for each of the Skills.
The My Skills Inventory matches occupations to your Skills and generates Occupational Lists.

personality inventory

4. My Personality Inventory
Discover your Personality. My Personality Inventory assesses your personality, matches occupations to your Personality, and generates Occupational Lists.


Career Resources for Veterans


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