Kid Career Test Friday

Kid Career Test Friday is this Friday, October 7, 2011.

This day is dedicated to multi-media, kid career test resources. is using cutting- edge media technology to build kid's career awareness.

Kid multi-media career test resources -
  • Are visual learning techniques that use colors to represent Holland Codes and careers 
  • Clarify thoughts, integrate new knowledge, and promote critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.

The Kid multi-media career test resources organize and analyze information. Children -
  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
The kid multi-media career test resources also improve –
  • Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information
  • Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
  • Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests. is featuring the following products -
  • See Rainbow Career iPhone/ iPad App
  • Destiny Discovers Purpose iPhone/ iPad App
  •  My Rainbow Career Finder
The iPhone/ iPad Apps will be featured on MomsWithApps App Friday web page .

My Rainbow Career Finder

The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career test. The Finder will automatically produce the three letter Holland code based on the selection that the child provides.

The My Rainbow Career Finder is an automated poster scoring system.

With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.

The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.

There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.

Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.

Kids, children, and students have their unique Holland Code results displayed on the computer screen.

You will enjoy using this career exploration activity.

Read more about the My Rainbow Career Finder.

See Rainbow Careers!

Children's Guide to Career Exploration

See rainbow careers!

See Rainbow Careers is a fun way to introduce children to careers.
Careers are like rainbows.
The world is filled with 1000's of careers.
Open your child's eyes to the wonderful world of careers.
Discover your child's career interests.
Learn about how careers are broken up into six career groups.
Discover careers in our world.

Read more about iPhone/ iPad App.


Here is a testimonial from Susan Taylor, our Editor

See Rainbow Careers

I found your ideas fresh and original which is always an asset in the children's market. I particularly liked the character of Destiny (great choice of name) who is highly appealing, being both fun-loving but showing hidden depths. Your ability to connect each career to an appropriate rainbow color is a good reflection of your understanding of child development.

Susan Taylor
Children's Books Reviewer
University Supervisor
Masters Degree in Children's Literature
Diploma in Book Editing and Publishing

Destiny Discovers Purpose!

Children's Guide to Self Discovery

Destiny Discovers purpose!

Destiny Discovers Purpose is a fun way to introduce middle school students to careers.
Career interest areas are like gems.
The world is filled with 1000's of careers.
Open your child's eyes to the wonderful world of careers.
Discover your child's destiny and purpose.
Learn about how careers are broken up into six interest areas.
Discover careers in our world.

Read more about  iPhone/ iPad App.


Here is a testimonial from Susan Taylor, our Editor.

Destiny Discovers Purpose

I found it a wonderful companion piece to See Rainbow Careers. The concept of the treasure box of gems is a clever reinforcement of your original idea.

Susan Taylor
Children's Books Reviewer
University Supervisor
Masters Degree in Children's Literature
Diploma in Book Editing and Publishing

Read more about Multi-Media Career Tests...

Kid Career Test Software


New Virtual Career Resource Library