Destiny Development Diaries

Use Destiny Development Diaries in your search for destiny, purpose, and significance. 

Destiny Development Diaries  come with variety of assessments -
  • Interest inventory
  • Value assessment
  • Transferable skill assessment
  • Personality type or trait cluster inventory
  • Motivational gifts inventory 
Start the Year Off Right!
  • Identify Steps in the Career Planning Process
  • Identify characteristics of interests, transferable skills, values, personality type/ trait cluster, or motivational gifts
  • Explore occupations and occupational web sites
  • Sort/ match occupations according to interests, transferable skills, values, personality type/ trait cluster, or motivational gifts
  • Explore career and college major web sites
Build Your Destiny Development Kit

Here are some popular combinations! Or build your own

To get more information, contact us or call us at 877-667-6565.

Destiny Development Kit #1
Career Interest Inventory The Destiny Development Kit #1 has -
  • Career Personality Inventory
  • Career Interest Inventory
  • Transferable Skills Scale
  • Values Inventory
  • Unlock Your Potential Diary
Cost: $50 
Destiny Development Kit #2
RIASEC Inventory  The Destiny Development Kit #2 has -
  • Career Personality Inventory
  • RIASEC Inventory
  • Transferable Skills Scale
  • Values Inventory
  • Unlock Your Potential Diary
Cost: $50   
Destiny Development Kit #3
Self Directed Search  The Destiny Development Kit #3 has -
  • Career Personality Inventory
  • Self Directed Search 
  • Transferable Skills Scale
  • Values Inventory
  • Unlock Your Potential Diary
Cost: $50     

Destiny Development Kit #4
Strong Interest Explorer  The Destiny Development Kit #4 has -
  • Career Personality Inventory
  • Strong Interest Explorer  
  • Transferable Skills Scale
  • Values Inventory
  • Unlock Your Potential Diary
Cost $50 
Create Your Own Kit!
Strongs Interest Inventory Spice up your kit with the following items -
  • Strong's Interest Inventory
  • Myer-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Motivational Gifts Inventory 


Explore Careers and College Majors


Career Direct Guidance System