Lock In On Your Potential in 2012

The Strong Interest Inventory is one of the best deals for 2012.  This test will help you identify your interests, abilities, and skills.  Unlock your potential, purpose, and destiny.

Strong Interest Inventory


For nearly 80 years, the Strong Interest Inventory assessment has guided thousands of individuals in exploring careers and college majors. The Strong Interest Inventory assessment is the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world.
The Strong Inventory is a professional career interest inventory that is –
  • Well researched and extensively validated
  • Used by career coaches and college counselors worldwide
The Strong Interest Inventory is an on-line Holland Code assessment that helps you identify -
  • Interests
  • Holland Codes
  • Careers
The results include –
  • Scores on the level of interest on each of the six Holland Codes or General Occupational Themes. Holland Code Themes include – Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
  • Scores on 25 Basic Interest Scales (e.g. art, science, and public speaking)
  • Scores on 211 Occupational Scales which indicate the similarity between the respondent's interests and those of people working in each of the 211 occupations.
  • Scores on 4 Personal Style Scales (learning, working, leadership, and risk-taking).
  • Scores on 3 Administrative Scales used to identify test errors or unusual profiles.
The Strong Interest Inventory has six (6) sections –
  • General Themes – Description of the interrelationship between Holland Codes and interests, work activities, potential skills, personal values
  • Basic Interest Scales – Identification of your Highest Holland Code Themes, Holland Theme Code, Standard Score, and Interest Level
    Basic Interest Scales point to work activities, projects, course work, and leisure activities that are personally motivating and rewarding. The Interest Scale Levels are Very Little, Little, Moderate, high, Very High.
    Your Basic Interest Scales Report will give you your TOP FIVE Interest Areas and the Areas of Least Interest.
  • Occupational Scales – Comparison of your likes and dislikes with those people who are satisfied working in various occupations.
    The Occupational Scales matches your interests to 122 occupations. Your score matched the likes and dislikes of people who are working in and are satisfied that career. The occupations are an example of a larger job cluster. The TOP TEN Occupations are the careers that most closely match your interests. Within each Holland Code Theme, you will find careers that you are Dissimilar, Midrange, or Similar to your score, likes, and dislikes.
  • Personal Style Scales – Description of relationship between Holland Code Themes, work styles, learning, risk taking, and team work. Examples of Personal Style Scales include – Working with People, Enjoying helping others, Preferring practical learning environments, Preferring short-term training, Taking charge of others, Taking risks, Making quick decisions, and Working on teams.
  • Profile Summary – Overview of Your Highest Themes, Your Theme code, Your Top Five Interest Areas, Your Areas of Least Interest, Your Top Ten Strong Occupations, Occupations of Dissimilar Interest, and Your Personal Style Scales Preferences
  • Response Summary – Summary of the Occupations, Subject Areas, Activities, Leisure Activities, People, and Characteristics Sections. You receive information about the number of responses in each section that were Strongly Like, Like, Indifferent, Dislike, or Strong Dislike.
There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.

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