Convergence Workshop Series - 3 Top Career Development Models

 Career development professionals –
  • Utilize current media technology
  • Develop resources based on best practices Career Development models –

Three of the top career development models are -
  • 21st Century Skills
  • New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards
  • Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program

21st Century Skills  
Model and Mission

The mission is to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 
21st-century global workplace 

Partners & State Initiatives

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills works with states, corporation, government agencies, and communities.  

Life and Career Skills
The Life and Career Skills  are -
  • Flexibility & Adaptability
  • Initiative & Self-Direction
  • Social & Cross-Cultural Skills
  • Productivity & Accountability
  • Leadership & Responsibility
New Jersey Core Curriculum

The New Jersey Core Curriculum establish guidelines to promote college and career success in a global economy.

The New Jersey Core Curriculum Standard areas are - 
  • Career Awareness (grades K-4),
  • Career Exploration (grades 5-8)
  • Career Preparation (grades 9-12)
The New Jersey Core Curriculum units include - 
  • Content Area
  • Standard
  • Strand
  • Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)


Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program

The Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program curriculum framework is organized around three strands –
  • Personal and Social Development
  • Academic Development
  • Career Development
Each Guidance & Counseling Unit covers the following information –
  • Unit and Lesson Titles
  • Number of Lessons
  • Time, Material, and Preparation Required
  • MCGP Standards
  • Grade Level Expectations
  • Unit, Summary, and Performance Goals
  • Academic Content Area(s)

Convergence of Media Technology 
and Career Development Resources

Some of the career development and media technology resources include -

Convergence Workshop Series - Create App Basics


Convergence Workshop Series - Global Career Development Facts