Digital Technology Meets ConnectED Initiative

According to ConnectED Initiative speech at the Mooresville Middle School (6/6/13):
  • We are to...grow our economy and to reignite the engine that powers our economy -- and that's a rising and thriving middle class where everybody has opportunity ...
  • ...We've got to make sure that our young people -- all you guys -- have every tool that you need to go as far as your talents and your dreams and your ambitions and your hard work will take you...
  • ...No matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, every child can learn.  Every child can succeed.  Every child, every day, deserves that chance.  We've got an obligation to give every young person that chance...
  • ...And in an age when the world's information is a just click away, it demands that we bring our schools and libraries into the 21st century... are pioneering a technological shift by creating career decision making videos and digital courses for children of all ages!

Grow into Your Identity -
Overview of Career Decision Making Digital Courses

Career Decision Making Goes Digital and Online!

Career Decision Making Courses are digital career assessments that available online  any where at any time.  The tools include:
  • Career tests
  • Career web sites
  • Career database
  • College database 
  • Career videos
  • Career check lists and activities
  • Top Employee Skills   
The courses are used conjunction with Holland Codes career tests:
  • Self - Directed Search
  • Picture Interest Career Survey
  • RIASEC Inventory
  • My Career Profile
  • Strong Interest Inventory
Our two career planning courses are:
  • Career Decision Making Tools
  • Test Drive Your Career Test! You Have The Keys!
The Career Decision Making Tools course leverages technology to explore careers and college majors.   Use your computer, laptop, tablets, or phone to access information.  

Use the course to pinpoint:
  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Skills
  • Talents
  • Values 

Ten Top Tips for Selecting a Career Test or Assessment

Career Decision Making Course will motivate you as you explore careers and college majors.  

The Career Decision Making course has:
  • Career Exploration Tools
  • College Major Exploration Tools
Career exploration tools provide the following information:
  • Overview
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earning
  • Interest Profile
  • Working Conditions
  • Contact Info
  • Areas of Study
College exploration resources lists the following facts:
  • Location of School
  • Majors Areas of Study
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School

Career Decision Making Tools

Read about other Career Decision Making videos and courses designed for the following inventories:
  • Self Directed Search
  • My Career Profile
  • RIASEC Inventory
  • PIC Interest Survey

Printable Worksheets


Career Decision Making Online Course