Career Guidance for Veterans

 We have job transitioning resources for Veterans and Former Military to help you successful transition to civilian and corporate jobs.

 Assess your interests, abilities, and skills.

Career tests help you find career job opportunities.   We have two types of career tests -

Self Directed Search Form R Assessment and Occupation Finder for Veterans and Military Personnel

Designed specifically to help veterans transition to civilian life, the Veterans and Military Occupations Finder works in conjunction with the SDS Form R 5th Edition Assessment Booklet to help match an individuals Summary Code to both military and civilian positions.
Two indexes link military occupations to civilian occupations
  • The Military Occupations Index lists current Military Occupational Classifications (MOCs) from each of the five branches of military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy.
    Each MOC includes a corresponding two-letter Holland Occupational Code (HOC).
  • The Military to Civilian Occupations Crosswalk Index lists MOCs from each of the five branches along with corresponding civilian occupations and two-letter HOCs.
Using these two indexes, users can locate HOCs for military occupations and their corresponding civilian occupations. This allows users to better understand how they might apply the skills and abilities that they developed in the military to civilian occupations with similar requirements.

All-in-One Career Guidance Package

Select an all-in-one package -

  • Assessments - Interests, personality, skills, and values
  • College bases based upon name of school, location of school, region in the USA, type of school, size and cost, major areas of study
  • Career database - Career job finder, career job descriptions, career portfolio, and resume tutorial

Read about an all-in-one career exploration guidance programs for veterans: My Career Profile.

My Career Profile - A Holland Career Self Assessment Test

MCP Main Menu

The My Career Profile Guidance System comes with the following career tests -
  • My Interests Inventory
  • My Values Inventory
  • My Skills Inventory
  • My Personality Inventory

Self-Analysis System

MCP Interest Inventory

1. My Interests Inventory
The My Interests Inventory generates a 3-letter Holland Codes and provides Interest Level Scores for the six (6) Holland Personality Types.

Job search

Research a Career Tool
Use the Research a Career database to find information on 1200+ occupations. Each Occupational List provides information on -
  • Overview
  • Job duties
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earnings
  • Advancement
  • Working Conditions
  • Interest (Holland Codes) Scores
  • Areas of Study
  • Training or Educational Levels
  • School Search Tools
The Research a Career Tool allows you to research careers by name or Industry Group. The Industry Groups are -
  • Architecture & Engineering
  • Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
  • Building and Ground Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Business and Financial Operations
  • Community and Social Services
  • Computer, Information Technology and Mathematics
  • Construction and Extraction
  • Education, Training and Library
  • Farming, Fishing, and Forestry
  • Food Preparation and Serving
  • Healthcare Practitioners and Technology
  • Healthcare Support
  • Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Legal
  • Life, Physical, and Social Science
  • Management
  • Veterans/ Military
  • Office and Administrative Support
  • Personal Care and Service
  • Production
  • Protective Service
  • Sales and Related
  • Transportation and Materials Moving

college search

School ToolThe Interests, Skills, Values, and Personality Inventories generate School Lists. The School Tool obtains school from a database of 6000+ post-secondary institutions. The School Tool searches for schools according to the following criteria -
  • Name of School
  • Location of School
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Major Areas of Study
All career and school lists can be printed and saved for future reference.

values inventory

2. My Values Inventory
Find out the things that are important to you, for example -
  • Helping Society
  • Artistic Creativity
  • Helping Others
  • Independence
  • Prestige
  • Risk Taking
  • Stability
  • Working Outdoors

skills inventory

3. My Skills Inventory
Know the things that you are good at, for example -
  • Communication Skills
  • People Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Creative and Artistic Skills
  • Scientific Skills

personality inventory

4. My Personality Inventory

Discover your Personality. My Personality Inventory assesses your personality, matches occupations to your Personality, and generates Occupational Lists.

The choice is yours...

Kid Career Tests Go Digital!


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