Network with Career Social Media Tools

Career Explorers Network –
Teachers, Counselors, Career Professionals, Parents, and Students Partnership

The Career Explorers Network is a meeting place for teachers, counselors, career professionals, parents, and students that use social media and MOOCs.  The network will create a collaborative environment to exchange educational and career development ideas and resources.

To connect and communicate with the Career Explorers Network, use your favorite social media tool. 
****Please use the hashtag #careerexplorer.  A hash tag is simply a way to help us view your messages.
  • Blogs –

****Please use hashtag #careerexplorer.

****Please use hashtag #careerexplorer.

  • Google 
           Web site -
           Group -!forum/career-explorers-network
  • Linkedin –
Career Explorers Network -

****Please use hashtag #careerexplorer.

Using career awareness, digital learning, and social resources, students and adults will -
  • Know and value self
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Identify interests, abilities, and skills
  • Build relationships between the school environment and the work force
  • Build academic, communication, problem solving, and social skills
  • Increase awareness of the need for future jobs skills
  • See the connections between learning in school, academic skills, job related skills, and careers
  • See career possibilities
  • See themselves as a future contributor to the job force
  • Build a connection between interests and potential careers
Teachers, counselors, career professionals, and parents -
  • Share career awareness, career education, and career development resources
  • Help prepare students to compete in global, knowledge based, innovation centered economy
  • Get answers to career topics
Teachers, counselors, career professionals, and parents -
  • Share career awareness, career education, and career development resources
  • Help prepare students to compete in global, knowledge based, innovation centered economy
  • Ask questions about career topics

Join the Holland Code Virtual Resource Center (HCVRC)


Types of MOOCs