10 Top Tips for Selecting the Right Career Test & Career!

Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.   
Match your likes, interests, skills, and personality styles to careers. 
Use the 10 Top Tips Steps to pinpoint your interests, abilities, skills, talents, and values. 
There are three steps in the 10 Top Tips Process -

  • Awareness, Knowledge, and Assessment
  • Educational and Occupational Exploration
  • Career and College Major Planning

Watch a video about the 10 Top Tip.

Here are some of the topics from 10 Top Tips Booklet
  1. Follow The Road Map To Career Planning
  2. Recognize Your Interests, Abilities, Talents and Values.
  3. Learn Your Holland Personality Types and Codes.
  4. Acquire Career Clusters Information.
  5. Explore Careers.
  6. Identify Potential College Majors.
  7. Get The Quick Career Test Facts!
  8. Use Career Test Rating Chart.
  9. Get Detailed Information about career tests.
  10. Put All of the Facts Together. Use Career Test Checklist.

Get a sample of the 10 Top Tips Booklet!


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Career Planning Life Cycle