LinkedIn - Powerful Social Network Tool

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional business-oriented social networking service with over 175 million members and growing rapidly. 
There are different reasons to use LinkedIn –
  •  Networking – Connect with professionals
  • Recruitment
  • People, company, and industry research
  • Job Email Alerts
  • Discussion groups
  • Branding
  • Job Search
  • Interview preparation
  • College or field of study research – LinkedIn for Education

How to create a LinkedIn Profile

Here are two (2) tutorials to step up a LinkedIn account –
Jorgen Sunberg outlined Top 10 LinkedIn Groups Job Seekers Must Join -

1.      A Job Needed – A Job Posted
2.      Career Change Central
3.      CareerLink Network
4.      Corporate Recruiters
5.      Executive Suite
6.      Job Openings, Job Leads and Job Connections
7.      Jobs Alert
8.      Linked:HR
9.      Personal Branding Network
10.  Positive Thinkers

NACE created a Career Counselor’s Guide to LinkedIn in the job search. shares on Linkedin information about current career development and social media topics.

Learn more about the different social media channels or networks.

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