What is your code?

How do your interests relate to potential careers and possible college majors?

Are you an Artist Creator, Conventional Organizer, Enterprising Leader, Investigative Thinker, Realistic Doer and Social Helper?

Artistic Creator


Artistic Creators like to - —

  • Write stories, poems, or other creative writings
  • —Enjoy the arts, theater, and dance
  • —Play musical instruments
  • —Like to paint or sculpt
 Facts about Artistic Creators -
  • Characteristics: Complicated, Original, Impulsive, Independent, Expressive, Creative
  • Strengths: Uses imagination and feelings in creative expression 
  • Potential Careers: Artist, Musician, Actor/ Actress, Designer, Writer, Photographer
  • Possible College Majors: Art, Theater, Graphic Design, Music, Journalism, Communication

Conventional Organizer

Conventional Organizers like to - —
  • Put things in order
  • Attend to detail
  • Handle things in a systematic manner
  • Desire to be efficient
 Facts about Conventional Organizers -
  • Characteristics: Careful, Conforming, Conservative, Conscientious, Self-controlled, Structured
  • Strengths: Orders activities paying attention to details
  • Potential Careers: Accountant, Banker, Editor, Office Manager, Librarian, Medical Laboratory Assistant
  • Possible College Majors: Business, Accounting, Management

Enterprising Leader

Enterprising Leaders like to -
  • Manage people and projects
  • Persuade, take action, set goals
  • Work well in groups
  • Sell products and services
— Facts about Enterprising Leaders -
  • Characteristics: Persuasive, Energetic, Sociable, Adventurous, Ambitious, Risk-taking
  • Strengths: Leads, manages, and organizes
  • Potential Careers: Manager, Producer, Lawyer, Business/ Marketing, Executive, Entrepreneur, Principal
  • Possible College Majors: Pre-Law, Business Management and Administration, International Business, Political Science

Investigative Thinkers

Investigative Thinkers like to - 
  • Like to invent or research
  • Solve problems
  • Work with ideas
  • Use computers
  • Love knowledge
Facts about Investigative Thinkers -
  • Characteristics: Analytical, Intellectual, Reserved, Independent, Scholarly, Judgmental
  • Strengths: Works with abstract ideas and intellectual problems
  • Potential Careers: Biologist, Chemist, Historian, Researcher, Doctor, Mathematician
  • Possible College Majors: Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Pre-Medicine, Mathematics, History

Realistic Doers

Realistic Doers like to -

  • Like working with tools or machines
  • Prefer to work outdoors
  • Enjoy playing sports

Facts about Realistic Doers -

  • Characteristics: Frank, Practical, Focused, Mechanical, Determined, Rugged
  • Strengths: Manipulates tools, Possesses mechanical, manual, or athletic ability
  • Potential Careers: Craftsman, Fitness Trainer, Optician, Policemen, Fire Fighter, Physical Education Teacher
  •  Possible College Majors: Justice Studies, Fire Science, Athletic Training, Martial Arts, Corporate Fitness, Physical Education

Social Helpers

Social Helpers like to -

  • Like to teach and serve
  • Are good listeners and communicators
  • Work well in groups
  • Show empathy

Facts about Social Helpers -

  • Characteristics: Helping, Informing, Teaching, Inspiring, Counseling, Serving
  • Strengths: Interacts with people, concerned with the welfare of people
  • Potential Careers: Teacher, Clergy, Coach, Therapist, Nurse, Counselor, Sociologist
  • Possible College Majors: Nursing, Counseling, Social Science, Education
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