Explore Careers and College Majors System Videos!

Identify identity! Pursue purpose! Unlock potential with the Explore Careers and College Majors System!

Explore Careers and College Majors System is an online, interactive, self-guided career planning and college planning system.


The Dashboard is the control center of the Explore Careers and College Major System

There are five sections in the Dashboard -
  • Self Assessments
  • Explore the Possibilities
  • Take Action
  • Career and Education Planning Results
  • Recommended Tools & Websites
  • Self Assessments
Here are Explore Careers and College Major System videos.

Watch video about the Explore Careers and College Majors System.

View video about Explore Careers with College Majors Bonus Tutorial Course.

Read more about the Explore Careers and College Majors System...


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New Release: Explore Careers and College Majors System!