Wise Decisions About the Cost of Education

Today’s high school students and parents are practical consumers who pick higher education paths after looking at the school costs, financial obligations and career options.

Generation Z students are independent and self-reliant making early decisions about careers and taking responsibility for their education choices. 

Students are becoming the major decision makers in deciding –

  • The career path they want to follow
  • The school where they will attend

Generation Z are looking at institutions that offer education and skills training as well as degree programs for future employment. The students are open to all educational alternatives - public/ private university, community college, vocational/career programs or apprenticeships.

Generation Z  are ready to make sacrifice to achieve their educational goals –

  • Students are saving for college and their futures.
  • They plan to minimize costs by living at home.
  • They plan to work while in school.

Education planning is a family matter -
  • Students talk with parents about college plans as well as strategies to pay for college.
  • Families evaluate the long term values and costs of higher education in order to decide which school to attend.
  • As a family unit, students and parents are involved in discussions to finance college.  Students are looking for ways to pay for at least part of their higher education costs.

Together, students and parents create career and financial plans will impact the students' educational choices.

Researching career and institution is a daunting task.   

The Explore Careers and College Majors simplifies the process of exploring careers and deciding the right educational institution.   

This program is currently on sale.  Learn more...

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