Career Plans 4 All
My Rainbow Career Finder &
Unlock Your Treasure Chest
The My Rainbow Career Finder, Picture Interest Survey & Unlock Treasure Chest, Guide to Career Exploration provide step by step guides to help children -
Pinpoint your child’s or student’s interests, abilities, skills, talents, and values.
Match their likes and interests to future training programs and careers.
Purpose and Rationale for the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey
1. What does the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey measure?
The My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey allow children to build awareness of careers.
2. What are the concepts or theories underlying the development of the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey?
Dr. John L. Holland (1985) created Holland Code Career Model, Holland Hexagon Model or Holland Codes. Holland/ RIASEC Code assessments provide career information, college major information, lists of careers, and job finder resources. There are print and internet resources.
The Holland Code/ RIASEC Career Model matches jobs into job codes, interest clusters, work personality environments, or personality types. The Occupational Codes are -
3. What demonstrated need does this My Rainbow Career Finder serve?
According to Ediger (2000), "the elementary school years are not too early to begin to achieve a vision of what one desires to do in life contributing to the world of work". Without career education, students have unrealistic perceptions of careers due to a lack of knowledge and poor decision making. Students have limited knowledge and exposure to careers. (1, 2) When students look at the different industries e.g. sports, media and entertainment, most students underestimate the skills and time required to have successful careers. (2)
The Basics for Elementary School Career Education Programs
In career awareness programs, students do not make premature career choices. Elementary school career education is not career exploration or career preparation. Elementary students remain open to new career ideas and possibilities. (4, 5, 7, 8) Elementary students build awareness of self, personal interactions, school, and the workforce. (1,8) Elementary school counselors and teachers build self-awareness, family awareness, school awareness, community awareness, career/ work awareness, attitude development, skill development, decision making strategies, and self-worth. (1, 3, 6)
Ediger, Marlow. (2000, July). Vocational Education in the Elementary School. (ED442979) Opinion Papers
Angel, N. Faye; Mooney, Marianne. (1996, December). Work-in-Progress: Career and Work Education for Elementary Students. (ED404516). Cincinnati, OH: Paper presented at the American Vocational Association Convention.
Benning, Cathleen; Bergt, Richard; Sausaman, Pamela. (2003, May). Improving Student Awareness of Careers through a Variety of Strategies. Thesis: Action Research Project. (ED481018). Chicago, Illinois: Saint Xavier University.
Career Tec. (2000). K-12 Career Awareness & Development Sequence [with Appendices, Executive and Implementation Guide]. (ED450219) .Springfield, Il: Author.
DuVall, Patricia. (1995).Let's Get Serious about Career Education for Elementary Students. AACE Bonus Briefs. (ED386603). Hermosa Beach, CA: AACE Bonus Briefs.
Maddy-Bernstein, Carolyn; Dare, Donna E. (1997,December).Career Guidance for Elementary and Middle School Students. Office of Student Services Brief, v9 n1. (ED415353). Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
Splete, Howard; Stewart, Amy. (1990). Competency-Based Career Development Strategies and the National Career Development Guidelines. Information Series No. 345. (ED327739). Columbus, Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse on Education and Training for Employment & Ohio State University
Williams, Jean A., Ed. (1999, January). Elementary Career Awareness Guide: A Resource for Elementary School Counselors and Teachers. (ED445293). Raleigh, NC: NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Job Ready.
Description of the My Rainbow Career Finder
What is the structure of the instrument?
The My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey are virtual, visual learning tools for kids that use graphics to represent Holland or RIASEC Codes.
The My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey clarify thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
The My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey help students organizes and analyzes information.
Children, youth, and adults –
See how Holland (RIASEC) Codes are connected to careers
Realize how careers can be grouped and organized
What components do you anticipate will be required for administering, scoring, and interpreting the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey ?
The My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey are virtual, visual self-scoring career awareness tool for children that use discover Holland Codes.
Supplemental web course provide additional activities to explore future careers.
Primary Markets
1. What is the target population for the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey (i.e., demographic characteristics such as age, gender, etc.)
The target population for the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey is elementary or middle school students.
Other individuals who use the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey include people –
· Who are In ESL/GED programs
· Who have limited reading ability
· Who have limited knowledge of English
· Who are developmentally delayed
· Who are learning disabled
· Who have special needs
· Who have limited access to education
2. What professional discipline(s) would be the potential purchasers and users of the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey?
Professional disciplines include –
Universities and college – Elementary school education and counseling professors,
Teaching – Teachers, tutors, and home educators
Counseling – School counselors, career development facilitators, life coaches, and career coaches
Child Development – After School Instructors, Career Day Facilitators, and Community Agency Staff
Social Services – Social workers, crisis counselors, and At – Risk Children Program Staff
3. Which settings would be appropriate for use of My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey (e.g., schools, private clinics, hospitals, private practice, etc.)?
Settings for the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey include –
Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA/ YWCA Programs, and other community organizations
Afterschool Programs
Kids Go To Work Days
Career Days
Summer School Programs
Market Competition and Special Features of the My Rainbow Career Finder and Picture Interest Survey
What other Programs are currently available that serve a similar function?
There is not a wide selection of Holland or RIASEC Code, visual career Programs available for elementary or middle school.
The My Rainbow Career Finder & Unlock Treasure Chest, Guide to Career Exploration provide step by step guides to help children - Pinpoint your child’s or student’s interests, abilities, skills, talents, and values. Match their likes and interests to future training programs and careers.