Career Clusters & Holland Codes

History of the Career Clusters and
Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) Codes

In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) conducted research on Clusters, interest areas and work groups. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) classified the Clusters and published the information in 1979 published in the Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE). With the input of the Department of Education’s Office of Vocational and Adult Education and State Career Clusters Initiative, the GOE now consists of 16 Interests Areas or Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) Clusters -

  1. Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources

  2. Architecture & Construction

  3. Arts, A/V Technology & Communication

  4. Business, Management & Administration

  5. Education & Training

  6. Finance

  7. Government & Public Administration

  8. Health Science

  9. Hospitality & Tourism

  10. Human Services

  11. Information Technology

  12. Law, Public Safety & Security

  13. Manufacturing

  14. Marketing, Sales & Service

  15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

  16. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Career Clusters and Holland Codes Resources has the following Career Clusters resources -

  • Guide for Occupational Exploration Interest Inventory (GOEII)

  • Career Exploration Inventory

  • Kuder Career Planning System

Career Clusters and Holland Codes Resources

According to the Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE), there is a correlation between the Clusters, GOE Interest Areas, and the Holland Codes. Some of the Clusters and GOE Interest Areas fit in one or more Holland Codes group.

Read more about Career Clusters and Holland Codes ...

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