Career Tests, Toolkits, and Classroom Activities for Kids has career assessment tests, career exploration classroom activities, career planning curriculum, educational career assessments, and educational resources that are designed for students in middle school grades.

Self Directed Search Career Explorer Assessment and Finder

The Self Directed Search Career Explorer (SDS CE) is a career test for kids with a 3rd grade reading level.

The career test for kids matches interests, activities, and skills to Holland Codes and 400 careers.

Holland Codes Resource Toolkit and the Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration Downloads

The Holland Codes Resource Toolkit and the Unlock Your Treasure Chest Guide to Career Exploration Downloads are a career exploration assessment tools that use career exploration classroom activities and visual aids to introduce Holland Codes and careers.

Use the Downloads to -

  • Explore careers with middle school students,children, and kids.

  • View colorful illustrations.

  • Discover your interests, abilities, and skills.

  • Find out what makes your personality tick.

  • Explore careers.

  • Link careers to interests, abilities and skills.

The Holland Codes Resource Toolkit Download has the following items-

  • 100 Holland Code "Bingo" Cards with Instruction Sheet

  • 100 Holland Code Occupational Posters

  • Eight (8) Holland Code Word Puzzles

  • Holland Code Resource Manual

  • Flash Cards – Children

  • On-Line Holland Code Resources including career exploration lesson plans and computer based career exploration

Read more about the career exploration resources for children.


CentralTest International Tests


Career Clusters & Holland Codes