New On-Line Kid Career Test

kids online career test

Paint Careers With Colors is a NEW On-Line Kid Career Test.

The Paint Careers With Colors System is VISUAL learning techniques and career test for kids that use colors to represent Holland Codes and Paint Careers With Colors Codes.

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career System clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids System organizes and analyzes information. Children, youth, and adults -

  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized

The Paint Careers With Colors System also improves –

  • Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience’s attention and helps people absorb information
  • Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
  • Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tests.

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test comes with -

  • Paint Careers With Colors Model
  • Paint Careers With Colors Code or Holland Code Descriptions

The Paint Careers With Colors Child Career Test is an excellent tool to introduce you to -

  • Career exploration
  • Holland Codes
  • Paint Careers With Colors Codes

The graphics hold your attention as you identify your career interests.

The Self Scoring Calculator will automatically produce the three letter code based on the selection that the test taker provides.

There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.

As clients, students, and children make their selections, their unique Paint Careers With Colors or Holland Code results are displayed on the computer screen.

To read about our kids online career test, click on the link .


Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test - Chinese Version


Paint Careers With Colors – Lesson 1