Paint Careers With Colors – Lesson 1

Number of Lessons in Unit: 5

Time Required: 20-30 minutes/each

Best time of year to implement this unit: Anytime

Lesson Titles:

Self Awareness

  • Tools to Awareness
  • Career Assessment, Test, or Activity
  • Recommended Career Assessments or Activities
  • Learning about Yourself

Day One: Meet Your Guide and Get Your Map.

Day Two: Meet John Holland, a Great Explorer.

Day Three: Find the Secret Code.

Day Four: Understand the Secret Code – The Holland Code

  • Arts
  • People
  • Business
  • Science
  • Office
  • Technical/ Tools

Day Five: Find Your Career Group.

Exploring Paint Careers With Colors Game

Paint Careers With Colors Mini Posters

Day Six: Get Your Holland Code – SDS Career Explorer

Day Seven: Get Your Career List.

Day Eight: Look at Exploring Careers Web Sites

Day Nine: Look at Exploring Careers Books.

National Standards

1. American School Counselor Association National Standard (ASCA)

2. Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS)

3. National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG)

4. Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Programs Career Development (CD) Strand

5. Possible Standards Connections

Materials/Special Preparation Required:

1. Introduction

  1. 2. Explore Paint Careers With Colors Game
  2. 3. Mini-Posters
  3. 4. Career Test – Children & RIASEC

5. Color Key

  • Color Key-RIASEC Version
  • Color Key-RIASEC Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Children Version
  • Color Key-Children2-Alphabetized Version
  • Color Key-Photo Version
  • Color Key-Photo-Alphabetized Version

6. Posters

  • Children Version
  • Leaders Version
  • RIASEC Version
  • Photo Posters
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Photo Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – RIASEC Version
  • Poster Card Instruction Sheet-2009 – Children Version

Lesson #1: Find Your Secret Code

Materials/Special Preparation Required:

Lesson Assessment (acceptable evidence):

Lesson Preparation

Essential Questions:

1. Why are adults expected to do jobs at work?

2. Why do people need to have jobs at home or school?

3. What are some important jobs that people do at home and in your classroom?

4. What would happen if people didn’t have jobs?

5. What jobs would like to do when you grow up?

Engagement (Hook):

Look at the Exploring Paint Careers With Colors Game Sheet. Name each job.


  • Objective

The objective of the game is to explore careers and Paint Careers With Colors Codes.

  • Contents
  1. Exploring Paint Careers With Colors Game Sheet
  2. Exploring Paint Careers With Colors Game Instruction Sheet
  3. Young Person’s Occupational Handbook (Optional)
  4. Occupational posters (Optional)

  • Set-UP

Print a set of Exploring Paint Careers With Colors Game sheets for each person.

  • Playing the Game
  • Student Involvement:
  • Teacher Follow-Up Activities
  • Appendix on Career Development Models

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