Kuder Test Survey – Overview

kuder   general interest survey

Since 1939, for the 65 years, Kuder Test Survey has helped millions of youth and adults worldwide discover their interests, skills, and work values.

The Kuder Test Survey is an excellent resource for -

  • Post-Secondary students
  • First-time job seekers
  • Career changers
  • Veteran or active member of the military
  • Adult with a disability
  • Ex-offender
  • Retired person
  • Career preparation and placement programs
  • Career centers
  • Workforce agencies

Kuder Journey is an easy step-by-step process tailored to your needs. Kuder Journey helps you -

  • Select the right major and plan for a career
  • Exploring interests and occupational options
  • Consider new or additional education
  • Prepare for the workforce
  • Find a job
  • Build an e-Portfolio to share goals and achievements online

The Kuder Surveys helps you answer the questions –

  • What are my interests? What do I like to do?
  • What are my abilities and skills? What am I good at? What can I learn to do?
  • What are my values? What is most important to me? What is important for my future career success and happiness, income, security, co-workers, environment, something else?
  • What careers and college majors match my skills, interests, abilities, and values?
  • What classes should I take now and in the next few years?
  • What should I do after graduation? Should I continue with school or get a job?
  • What kind of school should you attend—technical, 2-year, 4-year, other? – College by major information
  • What options are available to me?

The Kuder Surveys helps you:

  • Identify skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Find a cluster of careers that match your skills, interests, abilities, and values
  • Prepare for post-secondary education
  • Highlight specific programs based on interests and skills
  • Focus on -
    • Specific career job descriptions
    • Job titles
    • General work activities
    • Detailed work activities
    • Specific tasks typical of the occupation
    • Working condition
    • Nature of the work
    • Important interests
    • Important abilities
    • Important skills
    • Important work values
    • Important knowledge areas
    • Trends
    • Training
    • Additional information
  • Get information on -
    • Major areas of instruction
    • Specific instructional programs
    • College and school results
    • General campus and student body information
    • Types of instructions or programs offered
    • Degree or certificate types offered or awarded
    • Graduation rate
    • Application and admission factors and costs
    • Costs and financial aid
  • Search for jobs
  • Create resume
  • Build a portfolio or e-portfolio

Kuder Survey has the following items -

  • 3 job career tests
  • College by major information
  • Career job finder
  • Career job descriptions
  • Career portfolio
  • Resume tutorial

To read more about the Kuder Survey, click here


Kuder Survey Career Tests


Take Child to Work Day 2010 Resources