Take Child to Work Day 2010 Resources

Hollandcodes.com supports Child to Work or Kids Go to Work Day 2010.

Child to Work or Kid to Work

Through April 22, 2010,Hollandcodes.com will provide 100 Elementary/ Middle School Teachers and Counselors in the USA with FREE Paint Careers With Colors resources.

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In career awareness programs, students do not make premature career choices. Elementary school career education is not career exploration or career preparation. Elementary students remain open to new career ideas and possibilities. Elementary students build awareness of -

  • Take Child to Work Day
  • Self
  • Personal interactions
  • School
  • Workforce

Career awareness programs use age appropriate materials that match the developmental levels of the students. Age appropriate activities expose students to a variety of -

  • Different jobs
  • Career information sources
  • The reasons why people work

Programs also incorporate academic career pathways into classroom activities.

After completing an elementary school career awareness program, students have -

  • Higher grades
  • Higher academic achievement
  • Improved school involvement, as well as
  • An increase in career awareness exploration, personal, and interpersonal skills

In addition, the students complete more complex courses and have a higher graduation rate from high school.

In summary, in elementary school career programs, students:

  • Learn and apply the academic material
  • Know and value self
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Identify interests and build relationships between the school environment and the work force
  • Build academic, communication, problem solving, and social skills
  • Increase awareness of the need for future jobs skills
  • See the connections between learning in school, academic skills, job related skills, and careers
  • See career possibilities
  • See themselves as a future contributor to the job force
  • Receive empowerment
  • Build self-determination (2,7,9)

Purpose and Rationale for the Paint Career With Colors System

1. What does the Paint Career With Colors System measure?

The Paint Careers With Colors System measures -

  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Skills

2. What are the concepts or theories underlying the development of this Paint Career With Colors System?

Dr. John L. Holland (1985) created Holland Code Career Model, Holland Hexagon Model or Holland Codes.

The Holland Code Career Model matches jobs into -

  • Job codes
  • Interest clusters
  • Work personality environments
  • Personality types

The Occupational Codes are -

  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Artistic
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Conventional

Holland Codes assessments provide -

  • Career cluster information
  • College major information
  • Lists of careers
  • Job finder resources

Description of the Paint Career With Colors System

1. What is the structure of the instrument?

The Paint Careers With Colors System is VISUAL learning techniques and career test for kids that use colors to represent Holland Codes.

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Career Test clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.

The Paint Careers With Colors Kids Job Test organizes and analyzes information. Children, youth, and adults –

  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized

2. How many parts are there in career test?

The Paint Careers With Colors test has six sections.

3. What does each section measures?

Each section measures the one of the six RIASEC or Holland Codes.
4. How many items does the Paint Career With Colors System contain?

The Paint Careers With Colors has 54 items.

5. What type(s) of scores are generated?
2 – letter Holland Code

6. What is the format of the System?
The Paint Careers With Colors is a printed test. Group or individual administration? Paint Careers With Colors can be administered to groups and individuals.

7. What are the required response modes of the System?

8. What is the total estimated time required for administration?
Total estimated time is 30 minutes.

9. What is the proposed scoring procedure?
The Paint Careers With Colors is self – scoring. How long will it take to score the Paint Career With Colors System? Total scoring time is 5 minutes.


1. What nonconsumable (i.e., reusable) components do you anticipate will be required for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Paint Career With Colors System? (e.g., System manuals, scoring keys, System plates, booklets, manipulatives)?

Paint Careers With Colors System contains –

  • Career Model
  • Table of Contents
  • Starter Kit
  • Facilitator’s Manual
  • Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and ParentsCareer System
  • Occupational Posters with Colorful Graphics
  • Poster Instruction Sheets
  • Color Chart
  • Web Site and Book Resource Guide

2. Describe each of these components in terms of the anticipated production characteristics: page size, number of pages, color(s) of ink, special forms (e.g., multi-forms, self-carboning), extraordinary use of graphical images, line drawings, or other illustrations, etc.

The Paint Careers With Colors System is VISUAL career exploration System for children that use colors to represent Holland Codes.

Career Models
There are two models –

  • RIASEC Version
  • Paint Careers With Colors Version

The RIASEC Version is for Middle School students. For Middle School students, the RIASEC Version should be used with the Self-Directed Search Career Explorer. The Paint Careers With Colors Version uses easier – to – read terms for elementary school students.
Starter Kit
The Starter Kit helps teachers, counselors, and parents prepare for a Take Child to Work Day 2010. The Starter Kit has the following items –

  • News Release
  • Flyers for children
  • Flyers for teachers, counselors, and parents
  • Tent Cards
  • Name Tags
  • Stickers for Tent Cards and Name Tags

Facilitator’s Manual

The Facilitator’s Manual provides detailed step-by-step instructions to administer and implement the different aspects of the Paint Careers With Colors Kids Program.

Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents

The Overview and Introduction to Teachers, Counselors, and Parents gives a description of the different parts of the Paint Careers With Colors System.

Career Test Guide

The System Guide provides teachers and counselors with step – by – step instructions for teachers and counselors.

Occupational Posters with Poster Instruction Sheets

Over three hundred (300) Colors to Careers Posters feature–

  • Graphics
  • Holland Codes
  • Paint Careers With Colors Codes.

The Paint Careers With Colors Posters are Easy Scoring. You sort the posters quickly according to likes and dislikes. At the end of the poster sorting exercise, you will have your Holland Code and Paint Careers With Colors Code. The posters are an excellent way to explore careers. The poster shows you’re the relationship between Holland Codes, Paint Careers With Colors Codes, and careers.

Paint Careers With Colors Color Chart

The Paint Careers With Colors Color Chart shows all of the information listed on the posters –

  • Job Titles
  • Career Color Codes
  • 3 letter Holland Codes
  • Colors to Careers Poster Numbers

Web Site and Book Resource Guide

The Web Site and Book Resource Guide provides additional information about web site and books for children.

Primary Markets

1. What is the target population for the Paint Careers With Colors System (i.e., demographic characteristics such as age, gender, etc.)
The target population for the Paint Career With Colors System is elementary or middle school students.

Other individuals who use the Paint Careers With Colors include people –

  • Who are In ESL/GED programs
  • Who have limited reading ability
  • Who have limited knowledge of English
  • Who are developmentally delayed
  • Who are learning disabled
  • Who have special needs
  • Who have limited access to education

2. What professional discipline(s) would be the potential purchasers and users of this System?

Professional disciplines include –

  • Universities and college – Elementary school education and counseling professors
  • Teaching – Teachers, tutors, and home educators
  • Counseling – School counselors, career development facilitators, life coaches, and career coaches
  • Child Development – After – School Instructors, Career Day Facilitators, and Community Agency Staff
  • Social Services – Social workers, crisis counselors, and At – Risk Children Program Staff

3. Which settings would be appropriate for use of this System (e.g., schools, private clinics, hospitals, private practice, etc.)?

Settings for the Paint Careers With Colors include –

  • Take Child to Work Day events
  • Schools
  • Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA/ YWCA Programs, and other community organizations
  • Afterschool Programs
  • Kids Go To Work Days
  • Career Days
  • Summer School Programs

Market Competition and Special Features

What other Systems are currently available that serve a similar function?

There is not a wide selection of Holland Code, visual, color-coded career systems available for elementary or middle school students to use in Take Child to Work Day activities.

Take Child to Work Day 2010 Program

If you are interested in receiving FREE Take Child to Work Day 2010 Paint Colors With Colors System Resources,

  • Complete the form below providing information about your event.
  • You will receive a Paint Careers With Colors Take Child to Work Day 2010 Application Form.
  • Please provide the name of the teacher/counselor and any other teachers/counselors involved in the program.
  • You will receive Contact and Non-Disclosure Agreement Forms to complete.
  • The Take Child to Work Day 2010 form will have the following information -
    • Teacher/ Counselor Name
    • University or College Name and Address
    • Phone Number
    • E-Mail
    • Program Start Date
    • The expected duration of the program
    • Important Information About Your Program
    • Title of Program:
    • Purpose of Study:
    • Brief Description, including Methodology (attach additional documentation if necessary):
    • Required Signatures
    • I certify that the information supplied above, including information regarding my program, is correct.

      I agree to send Hollandcodes.com a summary of the Take Child to Work Day 2010 event including feedback on the Paint Careers With Colors System.

      Signature of Teacher/ Counselor

For more information, click here


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