Look Inside the Self Directed Search

1. Self Directed Search

The Self Directed Search is one of the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world.

Download the Self Directed Search booklet.
View the YouTube video.  

2. Versions of the Self Directed Search
SDS Assessment and Finder Form R is for adults and students who are interested in going to college or graduate school.
 SDS Assessment and Finder Form E is for adults and students who are interested in working, going to 2 year college or entering an apprenticeship.
 SDS Assessment and Finder Form Career Explorer is for middle school students.
3. Activities
 Read over the activities.

  If you like activity, mark the Like (L) box.
  If you dislike activity, mark the Dislike (D) box.
4. Competencies or Skills
 If the Competencies or Skills statements -

 Mark Yes (Y) if you can do the skill well.
 Mark No (N) if you can not do the skill or perform the skill poorly.
5. Occupations or Careers

Read the occupations or careers.

If the career interests or appeals to you, mark the Yes (Y) box.
If the career does not interest or appeal to you, mark the No (N) box.
6. Self Estimates

Rate yourself on each of the different traits.

The ratings are from 7 (High) to 1 (Low).
7. How to Organize Your Answers

Now, you will summarize your results.

You will enter the number from the past activities.

You will total the numbers.

You will enter the top three letters in the boxes.
8. Additional questions


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