Test Drive Your Career Test

1. You have the keys
The Career Test Drive is a systematic way to discover the right career and college majors.

Download the Career Test Drive booklet.

View the YouTube video.
2. Lay a Foundation
Lay a foundation.  Get the facts to unlock your potential.
3. Get Ready
It is time to get the right tools to -

Discover your destiny
Pursue your passion
Achieve your goals
Focus on your visions and dreams
4. Prepare for the Test Drive
Are you ready to move toward your destiny?
5. Set your course for the future.
You need the tools to navigate on the road to self-discovery.
6. Get direction and focus.
You need direction as you search for –

Self worth
7. Have questions?
Are you searching to find your interests, abilities, skills, and talents?
8. Get answers!
Watch the Test Drive Your Career Test Video

Look Inside the Self Directed Search


Time to Fulfil Your Potential Video