After free career test, what is next!

Low Cost Career/ College Major
Exploration Resources

The Destiny Decision Making comes with FREE tests to help you tap into your hidden potential You receive inspiration and motivation to explore your interests.  You have access to tools to identify potential careers and training options.
  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • Match your likes, interests to careers.
  • Find training programs that are matches to the careers that you are interested.
  • Succeed in planning a career.
This course will motivate you as you explore careers and training options
Destiny Decision Making can be is used in conjunction with Free Holland Codes career tests!

Low Cost Career Development Tools

Awareness, Assessment, and Knowledge Guide outlines the process of selecting a career assessment.  The process includes:
  • Introduction to Career Planning
  • Steps to Self Awareness
  • Tools To Assess Self Awareness
  • Selection of a Free Test or Career Assessment
  • Features Of Career Self Assessments Tests
  • Career Test Checklist

Career Decision Making Tools

  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • Match your likes, interests, skills, and personality styles to careers
  • Find training programs that are a match to the careers that they are interested. 
  • Succeed in planning a career. 
This Destiny Decision Making Course will motivate you as you explore careers and college majors

Awareness, Assessment, and Knowledge Parent, Teacher, and Adult Guide outlines the process of selecting a career assessment.  The selection process includes –

  • Introduction to Career Planning
  • Steps to Self Awareness
  • Tools To Assess Self Awareness
  • Selection of a FREE Test or Career Assessment
  • Career Test Checklist 
  • Features of Career Self Assessments Tests
The Guide to Career Exploration and Planning is for teens or adults who need a manual that will guide them through the steps of career planning process.     
The topics included in the Guide are -
  • Career Planning Map
  • Self-Analysis, Self Awareness, or Self Assessment
  • Career Exploration Tools
  • College Major/ Training Program Exploration Tools

Career exploration tools provide the following information –

  • Overview
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earning
  • Interest Profile
  • Working Conditions
  • Contact Info
  • Areas of Study

College exploration resources lists the following facts –
  • Location of School
  • Majors Areas of Study
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School
Pay a low cost to access 12 Resources version of the Destiny Decision Making Tool.
Looking for more resources, update and get one year access to the 68 resources of the Destiny Decision Making Tool.  Now on sale!

12 Resources

12 Resources version has the following activities -
  1. Read Ten Top Tips to select a career test (1 download)
  2. Use career test checklist (1 download)
  3. Get access career test (1 download)
  4. Record career test results (2 downloads)
  5. Record interest areas (2 downloads)
  6. Explore careers (2 downloads)
  7. Explore degree/ training programs (2 downloads)
  8. Explore colleges (1 download)
Destiny Decision Making Tool (12 Resources) - $10

68 Resources

Update to the 68 Resources:  Access for 365 days
 68 Resources version has the following activities -
  1. Read Holland Codes Overviews (5 downloads)
  2. Read Ten Top Tips to select a career test (1 download)
  3. Use career test checklist (1 download)
  4. Get access career tests (5 downloads)
  5. Record career test results (2 downloads)
  6. Record interest areas (4 downloads)
  7. Explore careers (13 downloads)
  8. Explore degree/ training programs (6 downloads)
  9. Explore colleges (1 download)
  10. Use career, degree/ training program, and colleges training manuals (7 downloads)
  11. Use career, degree/ training program, and colleges training web sites (4 web sites)
  12. Engage, connect, and network (19 social media resources)
  13. FREE Career Social Media Resource Center Membership
  14. Free Online RIASEC Inventory ($5 value!)
Read more, there are two editions -

Build My Career Test


6 Personality Type Explorer