Build My Career Test

We developed Build my career test so that you can choose the best FREE career test that suits you.  

  • Find tests that help you tap into your hidden potential
  • Get resources that provide inspiration and motivation to explore your interests
  • Access to tools to identify potential careers and training options.
  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • Match your likes, interests to careers.
  • Find training programs that are matches to the careers that you are interested.
  • Succeed in planning a career.
  • Explore careers and training options.

Career Decision Making Tools

With Build My Career Test, you will learn about -
  • Self-Analysis, Self Awareness, or Self Assessment
  • Career Exploration Tools
  • College Major/ Training Program Exploration Tools
Each section comes with online resources and supplemental activities.

Awareness, Assessment, and Knowledge section gives you access to different free career tests  –

  • Interest test
  • Transferable Skills test
  • Values test
  • Personality Styles test
You choose which tests that you take.  Then, you use the results to identify potential careers and college majors.  We give information about the best resources that are available.

Career Exploration tools provide the following information –
  • Overview
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earning
  • Interest Profile
  • Working Conditions
  • Contact Info
  • Areas of Study

College Exploration resources lists the following facts –
  • Location of School
  • Majors Areas of Study
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School

Build My Career Test

Build My Career Test has the following activities -
  1. Identify values, transferable skills, personality traits, and interests
  2. Access FREE career tests
  3. Explore careers
  4. Explore degree/ training programs
  5. Explore colleges
  6. Create a portfolio that summarizes your results
  7. Utilize career planning strategies to create achievable career and academic goals
For more information, go to

Strategies to Decide Job Choices


After free career test, what is next!