Two for one Career Guidance Systems Sale!

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Career Guidance Systems!
Explore Careers and College Major System

There are five sections in the Explore Careers and College Major System -
  • Self Assessments
  • Explore the Possibilities
  • Take Action
  • Career and Education Planning Results
  • Recommended Tools & Websites
  • Self Assessments

4 Career Assessments
There are four assessments -

  • Work Interest Assessment
  • Personality Assessment
  • Values Assessment
  • Skills Assessment

There are detailed instructions for each assessment.
Multiple Search Tools

There are the Career Exploration, the College Major Exploration and the College Search tools .
67% OFF

2 for 1
Limited Quantities!
Order the Explore Careers and College Majors System at

Maximize Your Summer! Discover Your Potential!


10 Top Career Exploration Tips 2018