Maximize Your Summer! Discover Your Potential!

Find the Right Green Career
to Make a Difference!

Green careers can be any occupation that is affected by activities such as conserving energy, developing alternative energy, reducing pollution, or recycling.

Green occupations fall into three groups:
  • Occupations with Enhanced Skills
  • Increased Demand Occupations
  • New and Emerging Occupations

Career Clusters -
Keys to Unlock Your Career Pathway

A career cluster is a group of jobs and industries that are related by skills or products.

Use the Explore Careers and College Majors System to discover the career pathway that matches your interests in conservation and green careers.  The system uses interest areas (Holland Codes) and Career Clusters.

Career Clusters is a system that divides Green Careers into 16 Career Clusters®.
Some of the Career Clusters are -
  • Agriculture Food and Natural Resources
  • Agriculture and Construction
  • Arts, A/V Technology and Communication
  • Business Management and Administration
  • Education and Training
  • Finance
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Health Science
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • and more

Our green careers, career clusters and Holland Codes connection tools give you an overview :
  • What are Career Clusters?
  • What are the matching Career Pathways for each Career Cluster?
  • How do your interests (Holland Codes) link to Career Clusters and corresponding Career Pathways?

Other tools include a personalized, online, interactive, self-guided career planning and college planning system that identifies your interests and matches the results to potential green careers.

The personalized tool comes with –      

  • Four Assessments -
  1. Work Interest Assessment
  2. Personality Assessment
  3. Values Assessment
  4. Skills Assessment


  • Career Exploration, the College Major Exploration and the College Search sections

In the Career Exploration section,

  • You perform personalized career research.
  • You identify potential careers.
  • You begin narrowing career options.
  • You can locate Green Careers.

Use the following factors to find the right college or university -

  • Type of College
  • Enrollment & Costs
  • Majors Offered
  • Test Scores and Selectivity
  • Location
  • Athletics & Activities
  • Search for colleges by name


After summarizing your results, take Action!

Tools come with a free online step by step tutorial guide!

Learn more


Use Your Summer to Reflect on Career Goals!


Two for one Career Guidance Systems Sale!