Myers Briggs

Type Indicator


6 Personality Type

Explorer Booklet

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the most widely used, reliable, valid, versatile, and dependable personality career assessment test in the world – more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is a career assessment test and a personality test.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) types are in four groups

  • Extraversion / Introversion

  • Sensing / Intuition

  • Thinking / Feeling

  • Judging / Perceiving

The type indicates a preference.

  • The Extrovert prefers to focus on other people and things.

  • The Introvert prefers to focus on internal thoughts and ideas.

  • The Sensing person prefers to use the five senses to receive information.

  • The Intuitive person receives input from internal thinking processes.

  • The Thinking persons judges using logic.

  • The Feeling person uses affective measures to judge.

  • The Judging aspect of the type results in sequential step-by-step mental processing.

  • The Perceiving responds in a spontaneous and flexible way.

The results from the MBTI® produces the 16 types

  1. ISTJ

  2. ISFJ

  3. INFJ

  4. INTJ

  5. ISTP

  6. ISFP

  7. INFP

  8. INTP

  9. ESTP

  10. ESFP

  11. ENFP

  12. ENTP

  13. ESTJ

  14. ESFJ

  15. ENFJ

  16. ENTJ

Myers-Briggs Type

Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report

The MBTI® Career Report is a career assessment test tool that helps you:

  • Identify strengths and weakness that may influence the career exploration process

  • Identify job families

  • Choose a potential career

  • Select a college or other form of training

  • Provide information necessary to evaluate a possible career transition or job shift

  • Develop a career plan

The MBTI® Career Report has information on –

  • MBTI® ResultsReported Type and Clarity of Reported Preferences

  • MBTI® Types and Career Choicepreferred work environments, and action steps

  • MBTI® Types and Career ExplorationStrengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps

  • MBTI® Types and Career DevelopmentStrengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps

  • MBTI® Types and Job FamiliesJob family ranking, Most attractive job families, Moderately attractive job families, Least attractive job families, Most popular occupations, Least popular occupations, and Tips for succeeding in atypical occupation.

  • The 6 Personality Type Explorer will provide you with tools to motivate you as you explore careers and college majors.

  • The 6 Personality Type Explorer helps you tap into your hidden potential You receive inspiration and motivation to explore your interests.  You have access to tools to identify potential careers and training options.

    • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.

    • Match your likes, interests to careers.

    • Find training programs that are matches to the careers that you are interested.

    • Succeed in planning a career.

Cost: $90