RIASEC Inventory

RIASEC Inventory is an easy to use, low cost online Interest Inventory that gives you a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on your interests.

The RIASEC Inventory gives you a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on your interests. The inventory is a valid way to explore different career options.

Online RIASEC version -

  • Takes only 10-15 minutes to complete

  • Uses Holland’s RIASEC coding system and latest O*NET national occupational database job titles

  • Scores into six interest areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional

Using the RIASEC system developed by John Holland--the most widely used occupational interest coding system available.

  • Use this inventory to identify their job interests.

  • Complete only 72 work activity statements.

  • Match results those interests to potential careers.

The RIASEC/ Holland Code inventory, a quick and easy assessment, is perfect for job seekers who have little time to spend on testing and career exploration.

The cost for the online RIASEC Inventory is $7.50.