Kid Career Awareness System
My Rainbow Career Finder, PIC Interest Survey and Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children
• Format: On-Line
• Reading Level: Children/ Reading impaired
• Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
My Rainbow Career Finder
My Rainbow Career Finder features the following kid's career awareness, cutting-edge media technology products. The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career test.
The program is an automated poster scoring system that produces the three letter Holland Code based on the selection that the children provide. Upon completion of the report, we will receive a PDF report.
With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.
The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.
There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.
Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.
The poster analyzer clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
PICS Interest Career Survey
The PICS Interest Career Survey is a child's or reading impaired career test, picture interest test, and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –
Explore their career interests
Find a job that fits
The PICS Interest Career Survey helps children organize and analyze information.
Children –
See how Holland Codes are connected to careers.
Realize how careers can be grouped and organized.
The PICS Interest Career Survey also improves –
Attention Span and Concentration
Memory Skills and Understanding
Speed of Learning and Accuracy
Use for My Rainbow Career Finder and PICS Interest Career Survey
Uses for career tests –
Boys and Girls Clubs
YMCA/ YWCA Programs
Afterschool Programs
Kids Go To Work Days
Career Days
Summer School Programs
Other educational and counseling programs
For individuals –
Who are In ESL/GED programs
Who have limited reading ability
Who have limited knowledge of English
Who are developmentally delayed
Who are learning disabled
Who have special needs
Who have limited access to education
Who are chronically unemployed
Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration
Guide is used in conjunction with the Picture Interest Career Survey and the My Rainbow Career Finder.
The 77 page Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration manual has 3 sections:
• Guide to Exploring Careers
• Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, Kids and Children
• Visual Aids or Screenshots from the Unlock the Treasure Chest Guidebook
The Guide to Exploring Careers is for students and children who need a manual that will guide them through the steps of exploring careers. The topics included in the Guide are:
• Learning about Yourself
• Find the Secret Code
• Understand the Secret Code – The Holland/ RIASEC Code
• Find Your Career Group
• Explore Careers Using Career Web Sites
My Rainbow Career Finder, PIC Interest Survey and Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children
• Format: On-Line
• Reading Level: Children/ Reading impaired
• Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
My Rainbow Career Finder
My Rainbow Career Finder features the following kid's career awareness, cutting-edge media technology products. The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career test.
The program is an automated poster scoring system that produces the three letter Holland Code based on the selection that the children provide. Upon completion of the report, we will receive a PDF report.
With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.
The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.
There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.
Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.
The poster analyzer clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
PICS Interest Career Survey
The PICS Interest Career Survey is a child's or reading impaired career test, picture interest test, and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –
Explore their career interests
Find a job that fits
The PICS Interest Career Survey helps children organize and analyze information.
Children –
See how Holland Codes are connected to careers.
Realize how careers can be grouped and organized.
The PICS Interest Career Survey also improves –
Attention Span and Concentration
Memory Skills and Understanding
Speed of Learning and Accuracy
Use for My Rainbow Career Finder and PICS Interest Career Survey
Uses for career tests –
Boys and Girls Clubs
YMCA/ YWCA Programs
Afterschool Programs
Kids Go To Work Days
Career Days
Summer School Programs
Other educational and counseling programs
For individuals –
Who are In ESL/GED programs
Who have limited reading ability
Who have limited knowledge of English
Who are developmentally delayed
Who are learning disabled
Who have special needs
Who have limited access to education
Who are chronically unemployed
Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration
Guide is used in conjunction with the Picture Interest Career Survey and the My Rainbow Career Finder.
The 77 page Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration manual has 3 sections:
• Guide to Exploring Careers
• Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, Kids and Children
• Visual Aids or Screenshots from the Unlock the Treasure Chest Guidebook
The Guide to Exploring Careers is for students and children who need a manual that will guide them through the steps of exploring careers. The topics included in the Guide are:
• Learning about Yourself
• Find the Secret Code
• Understand the Secret Code – The Holland/ RIASEC Code
• Find Your Career Group
• Explore Careers Using Career Web Sites
My Rainbow Career Finder, PIC Interest Survey and Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children
• Format: On-Line
• Reading Level: Children/ Reading impaired
• Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
My Rainbow Career Finder
My Rainbow Career Finder features the following kid's career awareness, cutting-edge media technology products. The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career test.
The program is an automated poster scoring system that produces the three letter Holland Code based on the selection that the children provide. Upon completion of the report, we will receive a PDF report.
With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.
The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.
There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.
Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.
The poster analyzer clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.
PICS Interest Career Survey
The PICS Interest Career Survey is a child's or reading impaired career test, picture interest test, and an easy-to-do Holland Code assessment that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –
Explore their career interests
Find a job that fits
The PICS Interest Career Survey helps children organize and analyze information.
Children –
See how Holland Codes are connected to careers.
Realize how careers can be grouped and organized.
The PICS Interest Career Survey also improves –
Attention Span and Concentration
Memory Skills and Understanding
Speed of Learning and Accuracy
Use for My Rainbow Career Finder and PICS Interest Career Survey
Uses for career tests –
Boys and Girls Clubs
YMCA/ YWCA Programs
Afterschool Programs
Kids Go To Work Days
Career Days
Summer School Programs
Other educational and counseling programs
For individuals –
Who are In ESL/GED programs
Who have limited reading ability
Who have limited knowledge of English
Who are developmentally delayed
Who are learning disabled
Who have special needs
Who have limited access to education
Who are chronically unemployed
Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration
Guide is used in conjunction with the Picture Interest Career Survey and the My Rainbow Career Finder.
The 77 page Unlock Your Treasure Chest for Children. Guide to Career Exploration manual has 3 sections:
• Guide to Exploring Careers
• Internet Resources for Teachers, Counselors, Parents, Adults, Kids and Children
• Visual Aids or Screenshots from the Unlock the Treasure Chest Guidebook
The Guide to Exploring Careers is for students and children who need a manual that will guide them through the steps of exploring careers. The topics included in the Guide are:
• Learning about Yourself
• Find the Secret Code
• Understand the Secret Code – The Holland/ RIASEC Code
• Find Your Career Group
• Explore Careers Using Career Web Sites