MBTI or Personality Types

MBTI or Personality types describe how people with similar personality types share occupational interests and preferences for specific work environments.  MBTI or Personality types are E, I, SP, NT, SJ, or NF. An example of the personality inventory is Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The following chart highlights the four primary patterns of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. 


Theories Based on Four MBTI or Personality Types

MBTI Themes

SP People who are motivated by a need for freedom and action and who value and enjoy living in the here and now.

NT People motivated by a need to understand the world around them, who value competency and the powers of the mind.

SJ People who are motivated by a need to be useful and of service, who like administering and being in charge.

NF People motivated by a need to understand themselves and others, who value authenticity and autonomy and strive for an ideal world.


The results from the Myers Briggs Type Indicator produce the 16 types –  

  1. ISTJ

  2. ISFJ

  3. INFJ

  4. INTJ

  5. ISTP

  6. ISFP

  7. INFP

  8. INTP

  9. ESTP

  10. ESFP

  11. ENFP

  12. ENTP

  13. ESTJ

  14. ESFJ

  15. ENFJ

  16. ENTJ

MBTI types