Career Plans 4 All

Career Development Course 101

Career Development Course 101

The Career Development Course 101 comes with 12 lessons, downloads, and web links to a variety of career planning resources.

You have made a life changing decision to learn more about your interests, skills, personality types, and values.  The Career Planning Course has a collection of resources to help you tap into your hidden potential.  You receive inspiration and motivation to explore your interests.  You have access to tools to identify potential careers and training options. 

  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests

  • Access interests, skills, personality types, and values tests.

  • Match your likes, interests to careers

  • Find training programs - Apprenticeship Program or College Search  that are matches to the careers that you are interested

  • Succeed in planning a career

For detailed information about the different career tests and to the next career development steps, go to following career tests -

Note:  If you need additional help, we provide career and academic advising services.  Send us an email at We are here to assist you!

Teachers, coaches and counselors, thank you for visiting!  

Please note that all materials, graphics, and downloads are copyrighted.  Please contact us at if you would like to use this resource with your clients.

Teachers, coaches and counselors, thank you for visiting!  

Please note that all materials, graphics, and downloads are copyrighted.  Please contact us at if you would like to use this resource with your clients.

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Get anytime access to our growing collection of exclusive content. New items added every month. Career Plans 4 All Membership Center’s our newest resources to promote career planning are - Test Drive Your Career and Career Development Course 101. Plus 3 career assessments - RIASEC Inventory - One free access code, Transferable Skills Scale - One free access code, and MBTI Form M (Do not include Interpretive or Career Reports!!!).